Saturday, February 28, 2015


And today, Maria, Laura, Júlia, Arnau, Joan, Elías, Albert and Maria have participated in the REGIONAL STAGE of the English contest The Fonix. 

5th, 6th Primary and ESO students have taken their exams at INEFC and our Batxillerat students have done them in Caixaforum - there is a very interesting exhibition about the 25 years of Pixar Studios which we strongly recommend to you ;) - 

Thank you to all the boys and girls who have participated in the contest, we wish you good luck! And thank you to the families who have come with us this morning. We'll be waiting for the results!!!

Judith Bàguena, Anna Castells, Lurdes Pujadas

Saturday, February 21, 2015


It's FONIX TIME again.
And here we have the winners 
of the LOCAL STAGE. 
They are Maria, Laura, Júlia, Arnau, Joan, Elías, Albert and Maria. 
From 5th Primary to 2nd BATX. 
Next Saturday, 28th, 
we meet at the REGIONAL STAGE. 
Good luck to you all!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

MY FRIDGE. Genís F. (3 ESO A)

My fridge

I’m going to describe my fridge and all the food and drink that it contains. Let’s start:

In my fridge there is enough food and too much drink.  I have got a lot of orange juice cartons and a Cacaolat bottle. I haven’t got any can of Coca-Cola or a jar of water, but I have a carton of milk and a carton of apple juice.

I’ve got some eggs and a lot of types of yoghurt. I don’t have any bar of chocolate but I have a big bag of soft bread. I also have got too many plastic packets of meat but I don’t have too much fruit, I only have a packet of strawberries. Definitely, I don’t have all I just want, but I want all the things I have.

 Genís Fibla i Costa

MY FRIDGE. Erik E. ( 3 ESO A )

This is my fridge; it is full of things, mainly food, of course. There are a lot of eggs, because my grandmother cooks a lot with them. I counted thirty.

There are enough yoghurts for five people. But there aren’t enough yoghurts for a hundred people.

I reckon, there are too many plastic containers. Avoiding these containers is too difficult. There isn’t much fish, because I don’t like it. 

There aren’t many cartons of milk. There is too much cheese. And there are a lot of tangerines, because I like them a lot.


MY FRIDGE. Mireia U. (3 ESO A)


On the top of my fridge there is some custard and a lot of yogurts of different kinds like natural or fruits.

On another shelf there are 1 bottle of cream in spray, a bottle of water with gas, a bottle of cava, some cans with beer, a lot of eggs and there aren’t many gelatins.
On the third shelf there are some sausages, one jar with carbonara sauce and there aren’t many bananas.

On the fourth shelf there is one jar with olives and some cheese and ham.
On the penultimate shelf there are in different tupperwares : Broth for soup, pasta, one boiled potato, some vegetables and one package with meat.
On the bottom shelf there are a lot of tomatoes, some kiwis, one carrot, there aren’t many apples and lemons, and finally a lot of lettuce.

At the door of the fridge there are some containers with butter, another containers with All i oli, a lot of eggs, one bottle with mayonnaise and another with ketchup, one jar with plum jam, some cheese, three bottles of Bitter Kas and one tablet of black chocolate. Also there aren’t many cartons of milk, liquid chocolate or soup.


If I could change my life ... David A. (1 BATX B)


It’s self-evident that we live nowadays in a world with lots of facilities and resources, even though… Do we appreciate life as it has to be appreciated? From my point of view, I don’t think so.

I’m one of those kinds of people that up to a certain point, I don’t appreciate what I have. We do worry about other things that are completely good-for-nothing such as football, or having the last gadget that has been launched to the market, moreover, have we asked ourselves what would happen if we didn’t stay with our family for a week? Possibly the first days may be normal, nevertheless, after one week, we will finally become aware that something is going wrong in our life and our people are missing. We should think more about the non-material things that are around us such as our family, friends, mates… Because after all, they’re the main reason why we’re here! 

I’d have never thought that there people that are suffering hard diseases and what they want it’s just been healthy, in contrast, there’re many people that want material things like travelling around the world or having a new car, in general, whatever that can be bought with money, notwithstanding, there’s something that can’t be bought with papers, and it’s the health. Have you ever thought what would have happened if you had suffered an illness when you were a child? Perhaps, your way to think about those situations that are always hard to suggest yourself because of you haven’t been in problem, would be different. I’m completely sure that you will think and account for in another way, completely different.

There’s no doubt that this topic, it’s not the one that I would have spoken because it’s a very hard one, however, always, it’s good to ask ourselves those kinds of questions because at the end we’re humans, and humans are always asking questions themselves.

David Almécija

If I could change my life. Gerard F. (1 BATX A)


Even though I am quite proud of the life that I’m living, I would also like to change some things, maybe they are not changes, I would say that what I’m going to explain it would be more things that I would like to add and that I’m not currently doing and maybe I would like to do or I would like to change.

So, if I could add something in my life I would try to add a bit of confidence to myself because I am usually pessimist so, even I believe in my opportunities and in my abilities I should be more confident, because if we don’t believe in ourselves, nobody will do it. In addition, I would say that sometimes being too much confident in yourself brings you problems but it is better to be confident than unconfident so that’s one thing I would add to my happy life.

Now, I am going to talk about something everyone should add in their life, we must do some things with passion, I’ve realized that nowadays that everything is faster than before because of the internet and that everyone is connected around the world, we don’t do anything with a bit of passion because if we want something we would have it right at the moment and we don’t have to make any effort to achieve what we want. So then, we don’t take care of that with love and passion, so in my opinion everyone should be passionate on something to live their lives happier and enjoy everything.

Finally, I think that if we enjoy the small things that life has given to us we would be happier than we are for example, we should visit our grandparents three times a month or maybe we could call them every Sunday night because that would make us smile maybe just five minutes but we would have smiled.

Gerard Ferreiro