Sunday, March 18, 2018



Nowadays, we live in a society where our phones are constantly invading our personal space. Everyone has the idea that we have to be connected and available at every single minute of the day. In any case, new technologies have many advantages but also, plenty disadvantages.

First of all, the most important advantage is that new technologies connect us with the whole world. With a simple device -such as our smartphone, we can talk, chat, phone or have a video conference with a person who is far away. In addition, we can upload photos on the Internet with just a “click” and also comment on our friends’ photos. However, there’s a big disadvantage, a lot of people just think about posting the best photo or getting hundreds of likes, and this affects badly to their relationships. Lots of teenagers care more about their virtual friends than their real ones, and that’s a pity.

However, new technologies help us find the best information. We can easily access to any website and bookmark our favourite ones. In fact, everyday there are more persons who host blogs and write about amazing topics, such as fashion, sports, adventures, travels...

But this can be a disadvantage, because we can’t believe all that is posted online, nowadays everyone can write on the internet, so we’d better be careful and try to distinguish fake news from real ones. Moreover, new technologies have made our world easier. Today we can buy anything we want online, it’s very comfortable and fast. But we have to be careful because not all the websites are secure and legal, you may think it’s a good website but maybe they defraud you.

Summing up, new technologies help us and are really useful for us, but we can’t trust on everybody who is behind the screen. We have to be thankful of living in this technology era, but also, we have to realize all the possible problems if we don’t use them properly. So, what are you waiting for? Leave the phone and start living your life and enjoying every moment, talk to your friends face-to-face and leave your virtual life.    

4t ESO B

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Projecte CASA ÀSIA: "THE TIGER AND THE RABBIT" Joan, Nil, Arnau, Marc (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time there was a rabbit who lived in the jungle.

There was a big tiger who was chasing the rabbit. When the rabbit so the tiger he started running very fast. They were running around the jungle. The rabbit was very fast so the tiger had to run a lot.

The rabbit jumped over a tree, but the tiger didn't notice that the tree was there, so he crashed against it.

The tiger hurt his leg and the rabbit stopped running. He didn't know what to do, he could help the tiger or he could continue running. Finally, he stopped running and he helped the tiger.

When the tiger got better they became friends and the tiger never ate rabbits again.


Projecte CASA ÀSIA: "THE PICKY COW" Joana, Mar, Mònica and Alba (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time, a cow called Lulu was eating on a prairie, when a snake came to talk to her.

The snake asked:

- Can I be your friend?

And the cow answered:

- No, you can't, you are very fast!

The snake, so sad, went away. The cow continued eating.  Suddenly, a funny ant appeared in the grass. The ant, very excited, asked the cow:

- Hi cow, I was wondering if you could be my friend.

The cow said:

- Of course not! You are so tiny! Go away!

The ant, crying, kept walking.

After that, a monkey that look very sad, started eating with her. The cow, so surprised, said:

- What are you doing here eating my grass?

The monkey answered:

- Up, on the trees, I feel alone and I'm so bored. I hope you can be my friend.

Obviously, the cow said:

- Let me think.... NO! You are stupid!

An hour later, the cow was walking through the forest when she saw a group of animals laughing together. They were the animals that she had met before.

She thought that they were having a good time so she asked if she could be their friend:

- Let us think .... of course! You can! But think what you have said to us before!!


Projecte CASA ÀSIA: "STEVE THE DINOSAUR" Dante, Quim, Maria, Júlia (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time there was a very big dinosaur called Steve that lived next to a very small city compared with him: Lego City.

One day Steve decided to visit the city to have a great time looking at the people, but it was a chaos. Everything was destroyed, all the people were looking at him with scary faces. But it wasn't his fault, he couldn't control himself.

Suddenly the mayor came out and saw all the chaos, then he said to Steve he had to go out of the city and never to return again.

Then, a girl appeared and shouted:
- Steve! Don't go away. All of us have made a mistake in our lives! We can build you and your wife a new house!

Then, the citizens, amazed by the speech of the girl, accepted Steve in the city and wanted to put the mayor into prison.

From then on, all the people and dinosaurs lived in harmony forever.



Projecte CASA ÀSIA: "MIKE AND HIS TRAVELS" Jan, Laura, Pol, Arnau (2nd ESO)


Mike is a penguin that lives in Alaska. There, global warming is increasing and it's destroying his environment. So, he must travel around the world to find another house.

He decided to go to India. During the travel he ate lots of fishes. When he arrived at the Indian coast, it was the happiest day of his life.

He started searching for a place to sleep. Finally, he decided to sleep next to a river. When he sat down, he heard a voice under him. He stood up and he saw an ant. The ant started telling the penguin off.

They started talking to each other, and Jeremy, the ant, was thinking of creating another place where penguins could live.

They walked a lot around the forests and mountains and they found a piece of ice. They took it and left it in the sea. There, with that piece of ice, they made a new house for the penguins, "the north-west pole".

As time went by, they made a big penguins civilization with the kings Mike and Jeremy!


Projecte CASA ÀSIA: " KINGS OF THE JUNGLE" Pablo, Alba, Albert, Alba (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time there was a jungle and there were two kings: the lion and the tiger.

The lion had more land and because of this he could also have more food.

The tiger was jealous and he always was attacking the lion.

One day, a tribe arrived at the jungle and they started destroying the environment. They built houses in the place where the lion and the tiger were living.

As they didn't like that situation, the lion and the tiger decided to join together to beat that tribe. They fought against them and the animals won.
Now, the tiger and the lion work together and they both share the jungle.


Projecte CASA ÀSIA. "FRIENDS FOREVER" Aina, Maria, Sofia and Arlet (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time there was a really hungry crocodile called Sebas, he lived in a river with his companion Tyler, the tiger.

One day Sebas told him he had to kill his old friend Bob. Tyler went to find Bob and he tried to kill him, but Freddy, the zebra and Archie the tuft, the friends of Bob, stopped him.

Tyler decided to go back with Sebas but while he was returning, the wisdom mouse appeared and told him: " Do what you think you have to do and don't let the others tell you if it's good or not".

Then, Tyler thought he was right and when he arrived with the crocodile, they fought and Sebas, the crocodile, lost, so he ran away and Tyler and Bob were friends again.


TALES FROM INDIA - Projecte Casa Àsia (2nd ESO)

This year our 2nd ESO students have participated in a project with CASA ÀSIA, Barcelona. It was about working with the Secondary school Sakatpura Kota in India. 

The project has included many subjects, one of them, English. 

We have skyped with the students of the Indian school  and learnt a lot about their daily life and their traditions. 

Then, we have worked with tales. We have read some traditional tales from India.  After analysing them, we have written our own tales. First we did a mindmap trying to organize our ideas. Then we wrote the tales and recorded them in an audio. To make them more complete, we recorded some STOP MOTION videos for them.

We have also recorded some videos to introduce ourselves to our partners in India. And we have shared all the work with them. 

In the following posts you have our project. We hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Disconnect to connect

Disconnecting to connect is a popular theme to discuss about. Each one has its own opinion. Mine is that it depends on when, where and why you are using your device. You can give to your phone a lot of different utilities.

If you use it in your work for accessing emails or to launch a website for a professional search, it should be considered just a working tool. The bad side comes when you use it while you are with your family or friends. It’s not uncommon that while you are with someone, that person is being contacted via whatsapp by someone else and instead of talking and being with you, they are chatting with the other person about what they will do later on. I understand that you want to log on to social networks site and comment and answer comments in your free time, but you shouldn’t do it when you are with someone. If you do so, you may lose the opportunity to talk and have fun with him.

We need to know that there are moments when we need to differentiate the real live from virtual one. You can enjoy both; even partially mix them, but not compromising the quality of the face-to-face relationships.

With the new technologies some new professions appeared, as youtuber or personal photographer for doing “postu”. These works require uploading videos to the internet or transferring photos to your computer.

We are in a digital world and the adoption of the new technologies is unstoppable, but those should complement and not replace the genuine face-to-face human relationships.




Have you ever felt so tired of internet and devices that you felt you needed to turn yourself off? My answer is that of course, I have felt sometimes like this. And I find it normal because internet can sometimes become annoying...

We are a kind of “digital” humans. Almost everyone has an e-mail account where they receive at least one e-mail every day, and most people own one phone where they receive calls and messages and visit many social networks. By this, I mean that even old people are connected to the world! They learn how to make the most of a device that I bet, they never thought they use.

This means we have registered on a social network, giving some private information such as our name and surnames (you can use fake information which is also a problem on internet, because you can’t trust everybody) and every time we log on a social media and we post, like or comment a publication, it is not erasable. Therefore, once you have made it, it is forever. And here we have it… the problem arrives when your privacy disappears.

You cannot make any move without being noticed by anyone. Google, for example, tends to notify your friends when you do anything. WhatsApp, and recently Instagram have added it, show your “last seen”. This is basically the last time you’ve connected on the social network, so if you don’t answer messages people see how you are ignoring them. I think this creates an obsession with the possible fact of people ignoring you. The double check, the last seen, the writing or online texts above your name…, what they all have in common is the loss of our privacy.

You also receive notifications of things you have not asked for. When someone uploads a video on YouTube, you sometimes receive “recommendations” notifications, and I believe this is not useful because as more notifications we have without seeing, the most we avoid viewing them because it results tiring.
When we get up, we log on networks to check what happened during night. During the day, even when we are not allowed, we check our phone lots of times. When we arrive home after all day at work, we connect again to check how everyone is doing.

There is no pause. There is a constant need to know everything about others and to share our life with the world. Even when you see pics of your friends having a bath, relaxing, having dinner with friends…, you know, posing and sharing what they do, I believe they aren’t really relaxing and sharing their time with them, because they are sharing a post while they are supposedly having their attention focused on other things. Unfortunately this is what we are getting used to, and it’s a pity we measure how amazing things are by the number of likes, comments and reactions they have once we share them.

Do you avoid reading messages because you do not want to answer? Do you feel bad if someone tags you on a post and you do not want to comment or like it? Do you feel a constant need of checking for new messages so you know if someone has ignored you? Do you feel the need of sharing what you are doing? Do you need to take a perfect photo for your Instagram? Do you need to add a filter to the photo you have taken so it looks beautiful?
I feel sorry for you…, really, really sorry. You are attached to internet and to a device that will provide nothing but worries about others. And you know who do you need to be worried about? Yes, of course, you know… but you do not want to accept it. You need to worry about you and about your constant need to check what everybody posts and about sharing what you do to make it feel magnificent.

If you want to post a photo of your adventure, do it! However, do not do it if you feel you are doing for demonstrating something! Do not lose your valuable time looking for the perfect filter, the perfect quote, the perfect post. There is nothing more perfect than hat you enjoy your time yourself, without having the need of sharing it.

You should not be worried about it because you do not have to do anything if you do not want to… There is no need to post photos on your Instagram, to comment on Twitter about political issues, to answer a Whatsapp if you do not want to… Take your time to do whatever and do it because you will enjoy it, not to demonstrate nothing to your environment!

Maria Maroto Amigó
4th ESO “C”

Monday, March 12, 2018



How many times have you seen a whole family having dinner together in a restaurant? Sure many times. Now the question is, in how many of them they were more interested in their mobile phones than in their relatives? Probably the answer is many times again.

Nowadays almost everyone has a mobile phone… No, let’s call it smartphone, because if it was just a phone we probably wouldn’t spend that amount of time with this device. The term smartphone explains perfectly its own meaning: a clever phone, capable to do a lot of things and save a lot of information. In it we can install a lot of apps, that make our smartphone even more useful and clever. It has advantages? Of course. Are all advantages? Sorry, but the answer is a huge no.

There’s no need to say that this new technological era has changed completely our lives. Mobile phones were invented to make easier long-distance communication. As everything in this world, it has been improved little by little until now. We’ve passed from a phone of 2 kg to a small piece of aluminium of 150 g. No doubt it’s an impressive advance that makes it more portable, which is good but also bad.

And that takes us to the disadvantages. This portability lets us have our smartphones almost everywhere, especially now that water-resistant mobile phones are being fabricated. Basically, we always carry on this small device with us, even when we’re sleeping we have the smartphone near us. And, let’s be honest, when we can’t find our phone, we get really nervous. So, effectively, we have become addicted to the smartphones.

I think it’s a pretty serious problem. We depend on that little square, we can’t keep calm without it, even when we’re not using it, we need to know that we have it on our pocket. And all that… For communication? Our response (I include myself in that group of addicted people) would be that we need to keep in contact with people we aren’t with at that moment. But, honestly, most of the people we talk with through the mobile is people we have seen a few hours ago and we will see again in a few hours. Anyways, it’s okay to chat with someone you need at a certain moment… What it’s not okay is to forget about the people you have around.

Don’t tell me you have never been chatting or checking social media while hanging out with some friends… and then you arrive home and chat with those friends you’ve “hang out”. Don’t we notice it’s stupid? Instead of taking advantage of the time we have with our friends, we waste it looking at a screen. If all our relationships go by through a screen and not through moments together, something is messed up.

When we are with friends, we have to be there in all the ways, not just physically. We need to be less dependable on the smartphones and enjoy every single moment, not just being aware of taking photos of them and post it on social media. Lots of generations have lived their whole lives without smartphones or anything similar, and they have been happy, because they have really lived.

To live how God commands, we need to connect to the world, and to connect to the world, we need to disconnect our smartphones.
Cristina Camacho



Ever since internet and its first applications were created, there has been a lot of controversy going around one simple question: Do they really help you realize what is happening in the world or do they actually put you off everything that happens around you?

Nowadays, it’s undeniable that almost every single person in the world is involved with the digital world, either using any social network and accessing their email or even hosting a blog or launching their own website, and it might be true that some of these people spend too much time on the net. Even so, though, we must accept that it is very useful for all kind of things of our daily lives, and it makes everything a lot easier.

In my opinion, there’s no problem in being connected as long as you control it and it doesn’t turn in an addiction, but I do think that taking some days to forget about everything and disconnect can be really helpful for your mental health and stress.

In conclusion, I find the digital world very useful and helpful, and I don’t think that many people just forget about everything else for it. As I said before, though, even if you are not that much into it, you can disconnect for some time, and I’m sure you will see things in another way.

Jan Vicente

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Our 2nd ESO students have made the YouTube challenge 


... some have written them down, 
others have recorded some videos...