Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WELCOME. Clara M. (1r Batx B)

I’m sitting here in my room listening to a version of the song ‘Maria’ of West Side Story sung by Jon Secada in key of jazz and thinking how to start this composition. It’s called WELCOME. It means the start of the new best blog on the blogosphere. Our blog.
I ask you to continue reading this blog, you don’t know what it is saved here. Maybe the composition about the video is written by a boy who will be in the future an excellent musician, or maybe the one about the visit to Besalú is written by a girl who will find a great vaccine for cancer.
So I welcome you to the work of a group of students, not much different from any other group of students of any other school but who have the power of working in their hands. We have the opportunity of learning, we have the chance of making mistakes, and that means growing. You may think this is just a blog with some compositions from some boys and girls from a school in a neighbourhood of Barcelona, not very important. But who knows, this is the start of something new, and we can’t know what comes from a start.
Or maybe this is just a blog with some compositions from some boys and girls...

Clara Martínez
1r Batx B

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WELCOME. Mireia M. (1r batx A)

Years are drawing on and new technologies are appearing in our lives. Although people don’t want to take part in them, sooner or later everybody should try it. We must put up with that feeling of non-update ourselves.

The situation in Jesús, Maria i Josep School isn’t different. We are making a process of moderation too. The school web has changed into a virtual campus, where students and teachers can contact each other easily. But that’s not all! Some teachers have created specific blogs of their subject. As you can see, the turn has arrived at our English teacher and consequently, to us. This is the reason for the creation of the blog.

If you are interested in reading the English compositions of the students in Jesús, Maria I Josep School, you are in the right place. Every week we’re due to make a composition. Some of them, which will be the most interesting, will be uploaded to the blog. But you have to bear something in mind. Our English isn’t perfect, therefore don’t expect too much. Of course there always will be somebody who will throw my words away because of his or her perfect compositions.

In this globalised word, learning languages will make you things easier. For example, you will be able to travel around the world by yourself or with some friends. Besides, it is bound to be easier to get a job. As you can see, English is important. For this reason we are here, practising and trying to get better bit by bit.

Feel free to read our compositions and enjoy yourself!

Mireia Manjón

Saturday, February 25, 2012

WELCOME. Guillem LL. (1r Batx. A)

But… what does “welcome” mean? It is a word which is supposed to introduce something to someone. Actually, it invites somebody to enter somewhere, so we are sending an invitation to everybody who wants to “write, blog, read”… and anything else.

To begin this new blog, I would like to give a set of advices to enjoy it:

First of all, take your time. Reading is an amazing activity, but it’s not necessary to stress yourself and neither the others. Sit on your chair, couch or sofa (or even lie on your bed) and close your eyes. Then, if you do that, you will be able to start: open the website and take a look at our wonderful compositions. Click on the topic you like most or, if you want to see a little of everything, let luck guide you. Finally, read and enjoy.

Secondly, relax. Reading is a good way to get rid of the stress of the work and the impatience of the world. I’m sure that all of us enjoy writing, so the readers should enjoy reading, too. And what about the feeling of satisfaction when you finish? It can’t be bought with money. Therefore, forget your pains and dive into the blog. And, of course, blog and enjoy.

Even if you prefer writing there is a site for you in the blog. You can be inspired by some of the topics we write about or have a little idea of the style we use. Nonetheless, sometimes it is more difficult than it appears. In any case, it is a different way to spend your time, and a better way to surprise yourself and be read by other people who, somehow, write and enjoy.

Dear reader, please be gentle when criticising these writings: we are only students and we sometimes make mistakes. Moreover, we will make an effort to write better and better every day. Consequently, you are able to do three things in this website.

Write. Blog. Read.

1r Batx. A

WELCOME. Karla V. (1r Batx.A)

To whoever might stumble across this post:

After a while reading posts, clicking on user names, opening tabs to stuff you might like to read, you have crossed your path with this little post. Well, you might actually take your time and read this, since you don’t actually lose anything by doing it. Well, if you are sitting in front of your computer while there is a fire in the kitchen or your baby has been crying for the past hour, you should probably take care of that first.
Let me begin. What on earth is this blog? You are probably reading one of the first posts on here, and find it to be a bit pointless so far. I inquired you may have problems sorting out your priorities. But that’s about all. So I guess it’s time to actually explain where you are. This page is for our English lesson, and if you bother to follow it you might even enjoy reading compositions and other whereabouts that get posted around here.
If you are a student or a teacher of our school feel free to keep yourself updated on the English lessons from our centre. If you are from another school, do that as well. I bet you’ll be impressed. If you are the police and are checking if some students have any suspicious behaviour, get out right now. You won’t find a thing. If you are a talent seeker, please, keep on reading. It never hurts getting rich and famous (and crediting your teachers once you become a star!).
However, I think I’ve made a quite good explanation about this new blog. I honestly think it is a good option for sharing and modernizing educational systems. If we all help a bit I truly believe this project could be really interesting and important. But for now you’ll have to do with what gets posted. In name of all students and teachers that collaborate with this, I dearly wish you enjoy this experience as much as we will.

Karla Velten
1r Batx. A

WELCOME. Jennifer B. (1r Batx. A)

Dear reader,
Welcome to this fantastic blog. It was created to show to everybody fantastic compositions about very different topics. Maybe, you think that it is a normal blog with normal essays but you are wrong! Trust in me when I say that all the words written in each lines of this blog are the most interesting thing in the world. Obviously, it is very difficult for you to believe me because you don’t know who I am and you have to trust in written words... Well, in this blog you will find effort and dedication of some students that want to amuse the person who reads his text. For this reason, I think you will like this blog. Perhaps, it can be an inspiration to write your own compositions for school.
It seems very serious but I promise you that with this blog you will smile because of the things that students have written and also laugh for the jokes that there are. In addition, reading is very “healthy” and there aren’t any spelling mistakes and you will learn about new vocabulary or expressions. Also you will practise your English.
I wish to see you soon here,
Yours faithfully,

Jennifer Benito Santamaría
1r Batx A

WELCOME. Marc F. (1r Batx. A)

Hi people! We are glad to welcome you to our home-made literature blog, a sanctuary of writing.
Here you will find young authors from Jesús, Maria i Josep; a school that’s creating an amazing generation of English writers, as the teacher and the headmaster see in it a good way to improve the English level of the students.
Every week about ten compositions, the best ones, will be uploaded for you to be able to read them and hopefully enjoy them. As might be expected, the topic will be different each week.
We ask you to vote, please, for the best one, the one you like the most so that we can award its writer. That’s a good way to encourage the students to write in English and in any language they like.
Anyway, this blog purpose is to share the fruits of young guys who want to pass on their knowledge to anonymous people, to share and show what they do and to be read.
To do what has been mentioned before we think that the Internet is the best and easiest way to do it.
We hope you enjoy this website!

Marc Flores

WELCOME. Judith D. (1r batx B)

All of us think differently! All of us create differently! Our originality is different! ... WELCOME!
You have just discovered a new world. A world which shows that we are all different. A world where you can disconnect to connect, where you can travel around the world only watching the summer pics of someone, a world where you can learn, where your Christmas wishes can come true only if they are five wishes…. Definitely, a different world!
This world shows you that everything is possible and most importantly, shows that we are all different!
I’m not speaking of the Circus Soleil. I’m speaking of our blog! A blog created with the best ideas which are written by all of us: the students of the school Jesús, Maria i Josep.
On the same theme, we are able to develop as many opinions as students. Only the best compositions are those that you can read, but this is like everywhere.
We hope that this blog opens your mind. We hope you enjoy with this circus of students who write the best wonderful compositions in the world!
As you could check, this week composition is to say you welcome to this extraordinary blog.
Without jokes, probably they aren’t the best compositions in the world but they are some of the best! Well, I’m joking again. Lastly, saying that I hope that you enjoy with it and that you like it.
Aaaah! I forgot to tell you, if you have not noticed, that with this blog you will improve your English!

Judith Doral Vall. 1r Batx B

1r BATX welcomes our blog!

I asked our students of 1r Batx to write about the idea of having this blog, what it suggested to them, if it was worthwhile for them...
Here there are some of their writings... really brilliant!!!
Enjoy them!

Lurdes P.

Friday, February 24, 2012

MADE IN AMERICA (6è Primary)

T-shirts, chewing gum, hamburgers, peanut butter… all these inventions come from the United States !
We have been working some of them at class. You can enjoy some of the results here.
They’re great !

Judith B.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cristina Espallargas, winner of the John McDowell Award 2011

We want to dedicate a post in this blog to our 2nd batxillerat student CRISTINA ESPALLARGAS CASELLAS, who has received the JOHN McDOWELL AWARD by the APAC (Associació de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya) for her Treball de Recerca entitled  ENGLISH AROUND TEENAGERS. Teaching and learning English at secondary school.

Today, February 23rd, in the Opening Session of the APAC-ELT Convention at the Pompeu Fabra university, there took place the British Council-APAC ceremony to award the best Treball de Recerca in English language in 2011. The first prize has been awarded to Cristina, who has received it from Mr.Miquel Berga, president of the APAC and teacher at the Pompeu Fabra univesity.

The ceremony was presided by Mrs Irene Rigau, Consellera d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya, who congratulated Cristina for her excellent work and who congratulated our school, too, as it's the second year that one of our students receives this award.

                                               CONGRATULATIONS CRISTINA!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

GAME OVER. Judit T. (2n Batx.B)

Some days ago, a disabled boy came to our school. He needed a wheelchair to move, because he couldn’t walk. We sat on the chairs of the class and the boy, who was called Jordi, started to speak. Should we have imagined a sad boy, we would have made a mistake. At first view, we realized he sat on the wheelchair, but when he started to speak, we could forget it. Not only did his voice sound strong and safe, but his look was determined. What’s more, should we have only listened his voice or have seen his look, without understanding what he was saying, we would have realized he was a strong person.

First of all and to begin with, Jordi explained he had come to our school to talk about the crags we can take when we drive. Although we are good students and legal people and we don’t drink because we aren’t allowed to do it, he warned us about the dangers of the situation. We are used to listening this comments, but maybe we aren’t used to seeing people who had had these accidents. He projected a video which showed some people whose lives had changed quickly. However, it isn’t sometimes their fault. Unfortunately they were at the wrong moment in the wrong place. But other times we can do little things which maybe will save our lives. As a case in point, putting a helmet, fastening the seat belt or calling a taxi. How long do you spend on it? Five minutes? Three seconds? From my point of view, it isn’t worth to save these five minutes, because, for this reason, maybe you must use a wheelchair the rest of your life.

I would like to conclude by saying that despite all our possessions and abilities, we value them when we lose them. I remember that day I felt very worried about a Physics exam without realizing that day I could wake up, go to the school or go upstairs. I look up to this boy, because he has never given up. He is fighting for his aims. His game hasn’t finished. Don’t let the letters "Game over" appear. You must think about all your friends, family, people who love you. There is only one live, and we must live it.


Monday, February 20, 2012

THE FONIX 2012 "English competition for Catalan schools"

Hi everyone,

"The Fifth English Competition for Catalan Schools (THE FONIX 2012), designed to promote the use of English among school students through a fun and educational competition in an informal educational setting, is hereby announced"
And once more, our students are participating in it. This time, with our 6th Primary Education students too.
The competition consists of three stages, LOCAL, REGIONAL and FINAL STAGE
The first one, the LOCAL STAGE, has already taken place and we want to congratulate the winners!

  • 6th Primary Education: JOAN JIMÉNEZ PONS
Next step: REGIONAL STAGE, Saturday 3rd March!!!  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

We'll keep you informed! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

MY HERO. Aina J. (6è C)

My hero is my mother because in my opinion she is the strongest girl in the world.

When I was born, my mother had cancer. She always helps me when I cry or when I have a problem with the boys or girls at school. When my dad goes to work , my mother stays with me and my brother, and my grandmother comes to help her.

My mother died when I was three years old, and that is the saddest moment of my life because I miss her so much !
I describe her because I believe in my mother and I think she always stays in my heart. This is a gift for her.

Aina Jubany ( 6è C )

MY HERO. Cristina G. (6è A)

My grandfather is and will be a nice, kind person. He fought in the war when he was 19 years old, in Marruecos. One day, in summer, he lived an adventure in Jaen, his village.

All began when he listened  bad news on the radio. There was a dangerous dog near his house, in the forest. Two children lived in this forest. For that reason my grandfather went to the forest to save them. When he arrived, the dog wanted to kill the children. Then my grandfather caught a stick and he hit the dog. It died.

Everybody was amazed with his courage. Finally he saved the life of the children, although his life could be in risk.

Cristina García ( 6è A )

MY HERO. Èlia T. (6è B)

She isn’t exactly a hero, but she is a person that I admire.
This person is my grandmother. Her name is Isabel. She is the best person I know. My grandmother is very nice, friendly, good person empathic, funny and pretty. She has blond, curly and short hair. Her ears are small and beautiful. She has got grey eyes under the glasses. The nose is round and little, and she has thin and pink lips. 
I admire her because she is a great example for me. She is considered she is a very good person with all the people, and she is very brave. She is the best grandmother that I would.

Èlia Tomsen ( 6è B )

MY HERO. Clara B. (6è C)

My  hero is my grandma, because she is always with me when I need her. For example: she always cooks my favourite meals, she takes care of me.

My grandma is not in good conditions because she is old, but she helps me every day.
When I was young she sang me songs; she came at school with me and my sister; after that she made cakes and painted on a paper with paintbrushes…

Finally, I  love my grandma and she loves me, I believe she is the best grandma.

Clara Bayona ( 6è C )

MY HERO. Mireia LL. (6è A)

My hero is my aunt Yolanda. She is tall, dark skinned and her eyes are brown. I’ve chosen her because she helps me whenever I need. She lends me all her things. She is always at my side. Now she is working at home and then she can enjoy a lot of time with my sisters, my brother and me. One month ago, she accompanied my friend Andrea and me to the” Oreja de Van Gogh” new C.D presentation. The singer , Leire, signed my copy. My aunt has good luck because she has participated in many concerts ( Kevin Costner, Spandau ballet…). In general she is a good and nice person.

Mireia LLopis ( 6è A )

MY HERO. Joan J. ( 6è C )

For my hero I choose my mother. She is like a superhero because she cleans, prepares the lunch and the dinner, works out of the house and more. One of the things that I like of my mother is that she does all with love, including sleeping. 

She is a really good cooker, she prepares cakes, muffins and more delicious things. A curiosity of my mother is that she never wants to sleep in the left part of the bed. Sometimes when I am not really good, she prepares for me ( with her natural cooker talent ) little muffins called “ Coulands”. 

In my opinion, my mother is a wonderful person and very affable with the people that she knows.

My mother is an unrecognized hero.

Joan Jiménez ( 6è C )



This is the first year that our pupils have enrolled to the Fonix contest. As a result of these exams, there are some nice compositions I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading them.
There were two topics:
“What do you think makes a good person?” or
“ Describe someone you know who is a hero for you and why .“
The most of them chose the second one and it was a pleasure reading about their heroes, and a wonderful surprise.
Have a good time.

Judith Bàguena

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Last week, we travelled to Begues, an incredibly beautiful place in Catalonia. We went there because of a school trip. We enjoyed a lot the journey and we did a lot of interesting things there.

During the first day, we didn’t do the activities that were programmed to do because it snowed and we arrived too late. So we did the activities for the second day in the first day: we watched a video at eleven o’clock in the morning. While we were watching the video, Ricard arrived. That has happened because Ricard was sleeping when we left Barcelona to go to Begues.

In the evening, we played football. Then we had dinner and waited for the teachers in a big room because they wanted to explain us what we were going to do during the night. It was really funny.

They prepared a game called Jamunjo because it was a parody of the film Jumanji, if you know that. We walked around the Pare Manyanet’s school to find some proofs we had to pass. When we finished the activity we played the Bingo and Marc Moliné won. Finally, we did a pyjamas contest. It was absolutely funny, including the moment when Éric Benito went to the stage and we all chanted his name. He is very shy. Obviously I was the best.

In the second day, we visited “Catalunya en miniatura” and we climbed up the trees like monkeys. We had a great time with our friends and teachers and we spent some nice days in Begues.

The end of the trip was the worse thing of that because we were tired and we weren’t very animated. But we had a great time, with a lot of funny and a really important row for the girls, who had a bad behaviour during the night. I’m sure somebody told you that. But it was really funny!

                                                                                                 Gerard Lluís Luengo. 3r ESO A

3rd ESO. BEGUES 2012

Two weeks ago, while it was snowing here in Barcelona, our 3rd ESO students went to Begues, to spend a couple of days together, learning more about each other and having lots of fun.
They survived the cold weather, and they wrote about their wonderful experiences there. Here you have some of their writings. Enjoy them!

Lurdes Pujadas

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LEARN. Judit T. (2n Batx B)

The world is a big place. It's our home. There are a lot of countries with many cities. Before we were born, there had already existed other cultures with other thoughts and ideas. There aren't bad cultures, because each culture is different. If you had grown with these ideals, you would have defended them.

 The  world would be a bit boring if there was nothing to learn. Everybody can do things that are ordinary in their lives, but you will be probably surprised by them. Playing a new game, studying another language, playing a new instrument, eating a new and exotic food... When we travel, we do all these things. However, in my opinion, we are more receptive when we arrive in a new country than when we meet a foreigner person in the street. It had better not be like that. A man, a woman, an old person, everyone belongs to the world and everyone feels gratitude when someone values him.

 Listening to others is a tiny but nice gesture that people need. Feeling that we are special is important to us. We aren't perfect, so we will try to do things that we won't do well. We don't have to obsess with it. We have to make an effort instead. We can learn from mistakes, and good times and laughters are for sharing. We have to draw a smile in our face. We only live once, and we haven't discovered all yet.

 In life we have to be darling, because one day we will have passed the difficulties that we have nowadays, and we will be trying to solve others.

 Because there is only one life, and it depends on us to make every moment special.

Judit Tomsen. 2n Batx B

LEARN. Alba T. (2n Batx B)

Does somebody in the world know everything about all the topics? Who has never asked about how to do something? We are brought to life without any knowledge, we start from nothing. Step by step, we learn the basic things that make us humans. We learn to walk, to talk, to think, and we repeat constantly the same question: “Why?” Why this, why that… This word can be a trouble for the parents, who one day will realise that they don’t have answers for everything. Why am I here? Which is my goal? What happens after death?

Life goes on, we discover new things and we want to know how they work, or how can be used. We want more; we look for new experiences. Usually our wishes are activities that we have not been able to do yet. But life is long, there is a time for everything, there’s no need to go quickly. And don’t forget it; you learn something new every day. There’s always something new to learn.

But it’s important to remember something. Learning is not always easy. In my opinion learning is directly related to effort. Who has ever learnt how to ride a bicycle without falling from it several times? Learning something requires time, concentration, will and effort. However, if you have thrills for it, learning becomes much easier.

To sum up, I would like to give everybody an advice: If you want something, if there is a goal that you have not achieved yet, don’t give up. Fight for it; give everything you have inside to make your wishes become true. Nothing is impossible if there is somebody ready to fight for it. So, for everybody who wants to benefit from life, remember: where there is a will, there is a way!

Alba Trepat. 2n Batx B

LEARN Jennifer B. (1r Batx A)

When I saw the video I wanted to travel, of course, with the handsome boy (Rick Mereki) that appears in the video. However, it was eleven p.m. and my parents would have thought I was a little crazy if I would have gone out…

I like the advertisement a lot. STA Travel Australia achieves the objective to cause to the spectator wishes of travel. When the video finished I wanted to do all that Rick had done. He learned to cook different dishes of different countries (I can only recognize a pizza and a type of spaghettis), he tasted a glass with champagne, he learned typical traditional dances (for example, tango and flamenco) and he did other activities like playing football, capoeira, climbing, weightlifting, playing a Spanish guitar...

All of the things he learned are good experiences that I want to live accompanied by my best friends as Rick Mereki, Andrew Lees and Tim White did (you can see them in the photo). It is more authentic to learn capoeira in Brazil, where it was born, than in a gym of your country. Also he learned flamenco in Spain and tango in Argentina. Personally, I wouldn’t like to learn capoeira, tango or flamenco. I prefer other activities like skydiving, rafting, canoe, skiing, climbing...

I don’t know when and where I would do the activities, but I am not going to die without fulfilling my dreams.

Jennifer Benito. 1r Batx. A

LEARN Clara M. (1r Batx B)

When you told us about the videos in class, I remembered about them. I had already seen them, about two or three weeks ago, and I’m in love with them.

One of my passions is the world. I’m completely amazed about knowing everything about what’s around me, and that’s the reason why I’m crazy for travelling. I spend time on the Internet looking for blogs about travelling, pictures about amazing places, food, clothes, people… I also love photography, so, for me, all of this is an obsession.

The video LEARN (and the other ones too), for me, is fantastic, because it makes you want to do all the things you see along the short minute that it lasts. But don’t forget. It’s not just what they show you, it’s the way they show it to you. The quality of the images is fantastic, the colors are lovely and lively, the guys and the people they meet are amazing and the movement and the way to connect all the activities about all around the world is great. It’s a perfect publicity campaign.

So, what does it suggest to me? It makes me want to live, it makes me want to be alive and feel the rain on my skin, feel the taste of the food on my tongue, feel the pain in my feet and feel the love in my heart. And I think that’s the reason for what we’re living for. For being happy. And one of the things that makes me happy is watching this videos. I hope one day I’ll do the travel of my lifetime. Sure it’ll be perfect.
Clara Martínez. 1r Batx B


And another excellent topic was that of a commercial on YouTube for a travel agency in Australia.
Sure you will like it a lot.

And sure you'll enjoy reading about it

Lurdes Pujadas


I think it’s a great advertisement, and it shows you what many people do when they connect with their phones.

I agree with it because it isn’t nice; other people can feel distanced from the person who ignores them or does not realize that they are there. I don’t complain about this, I just say my opinion.

If it’s necessary, you can use your mobile phone to do anything; but if you are with your family or friends, try to disconnect for few minutes; it can be really good for them and it can also be good for your sight and your brain.

In my opinion this advertisement can be incredibly helpful for lots of people to see which moment they are losing while they are only connected; fantastic landscapes, enjoying moments with friends…

I’m not an obsessed person with my phone, I’m usually connected, but never when I’m with friends, they are more important than a simple mobile phone. Because you can’t light, chat, joke or hug with a phone… Your mobile phone will never be a person.

 It isn’t bad to use a lot your phone or to be always connected; but it’s better to stay with somebody

Maria Bayona Visiedo. 3r ESO C


The first thing that  is necessary to say is that I love this video, it’s incredibly beautiful. It reflects very well how the things are happening today. This Advertisement is short, simple and direct.

When I saw this video I felt really identified!

Sometimes it is difficult to understand that there is life out of the mobiles, computers, etc, and many people spend all their time connected to them.

Often they don’t see the other people who are around them, only being obsessed in these things that remove them from the reality.

I agree with this advertisement, and I hope that it serves to make people change.

I like the scene with the father and his daughter. When the father is connected to the mobile-phone he only sees a pencil that is moving alone, but when he leaves the mobile-phone and he stares at the pencil, he can see his daughter who has been painting all the time.

In summary, all of us should try to disconnect from new technologies, mobile-phones, computers… to connect with the people we love.

Marta Bort. 3r ESO C


One of the first compositions our students wrote this year was about a commercial on YouTube about mobile phones and their use today. I add the link and two excellent writings about it. Enjoy!

Lurdes Pujadas


Do you speak English? Do you like reading? Then, welcome to our blog! Do you know your sons and daughters are really good at writing in English? You are going to find it out in this blog. So, take a cup of tea, get your netbook, laptop or Ipad and ... ENJOY READING.