Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LEARN. Judit T. (2n Batx B)

The world is a big place. It's our home. There are a lot of countries with many cities. Before we were born, there had already existed other cultures with other thoughts and ideas. There aren't bad cultures, because each culture is different. If you had grown with these ideals, you would have defended them.

 The  world would be a bit boring if there was nothing to learn. Everybody can do things that are ordinary in their lives, but you will be probably surprised by them. Playing a new game, studying another language, playing a new instrument, eating a new and exotic food... When we travel, we do all these things. However, in my opinion, we are more receptive when we arrive in a new country than when we meet a foreigner person in the street. It had better not be like that. A man, a woman, an old person, everyone belongs to the world and everyone feels gratitude when someone values him.

 Listening to others is a tiny but nice gesture that people need. Feeling that we are special is important to us. We aren't perfect, so we will try to do things that we won't do well. We don't have to obsess with it. We have to make an effort instead. We can learn from mistakes, and good times and laughters are for sharing. We have to draw a smile in our face. We only live once, and we haven't discovered all yet.

 In life we have to be darling, because one day we will have passed the difficulties that we have nowadays, and we will be trying to solve others.

 Because there is only one life, and it depends on us to make every moment special.

Judit Tomsen. 2n Batx B

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