Sunday, March 18, 2012

PROCRASTINATION. Xavier M. (2n batx B)

First of all, a procrastinator is a lazy person who never does anything and who is always leaving work for the previous day before delivering it.

I actually know lots of procrastinators whose name I’m not going to say and surelly I include myself into this very big group of people whose number of members is increasing. I include myself basically in one way: when I have to study. I always study at the last moment, I mean like a week before the exams. In fact I know that what I do is wrong because my mind is always telling me: “Start studying. Exams are coming and you will not have time to prepare them right”. But I do never take notice.

From my point of view, procrastination needs ending because it would make people’s life easier and better. One time Pep Guardiola said: “Si ens aixequem ben d’hora i treballem sense retrets som un país imparable”. He meant if we work harder than we do now, we would arrive very far!

So I would like to conclude by encouraging all those procrastinators I’m included in and giving them power to work hardly because if they work hard, at the end they would see their dreams come true.

                                                           Xavier Martínez Abós
                                                                                              2nd BTX (B)

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