My experience in Sitges
Last Friday we broke with the routine and we did a trip to Sitges.
We knew weather forecasts said it would rain so all of us took our
umbrellas and wore a jacket to keep our warm.

The day started badly because there were many students who didn’t arrive at the train station on time. Even though, we didn’t wait for them and we
caught the train as we had planned.
The train to Sitges took about an hour to arrive, without considering
the change in Passeig de Gràcia. It didn’t seem to me too boring because we
spent all that time making jokes and we couldn‘t stop laughing. It reminded me
all the moments that we lived during the way to Madrid, when we had really fun.
When we arrive at Sitges, the teachers gave us some free time, so we
took advantge of it and we looked for a café.We had something to drink in a
regular café and we got ready for the guided tour.
We met the leader thirty minutes later. After she had introduced
herself, we took out our notebooks and cameras and we began the tour. I was
responsible for taking pictures, so I wasn’t able to take many notes. Even
though, I had to listen carefully to the leader explanations, because she
talked so fast and there were many information which I had to dictate to my
group mates who were copying it.
This trip was different from the ones we did last year. After we had
finished the tour, we had free time to do whatever we wished, but we couldn’t
take lunch, as we used to do last year. We caught the train again and we went
home to eat. It was the only change which I noticed.
During this free time, as I brought a reflex camera (it’s my father’s,
but he let me bring it), we took some pics all together. They looked really
nice, not because of us, just because of the beauty of the Mediterranean Sitges
When I arrived at home, I realised that the pictures I took at the end
of the trip we’re better than the ones I had taken before. It was just because
it cleared up at the mid-morning and it was when we were taking all the
pictures which had better definition.
In summary, the trip to Sitges has helped us to confirm the good
atmosphere in our year.
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