Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ITALY 2013. Sandra V. (2n batx A)

Italy 2013

 The trip to Italy was definitely the best I've done in a while, there have been so many emotions and sensations experienced I would need many pages to describe all. The trip to Italy was very funny because everyone was singing a different song and we took pictures while we slept and then we laughed a lot. When we got to Florence we invaded a disbelief because the hotel seemed a maze and we had no water and a closet for clothes and we spent a lot of time together in the morning because we had to take turns for breakfast. The visits and the walks joined us very much and during the dinners we could not stop laughing and joking, it was incredible.

Then, we moved to Venice and the trip was even better. The hotel was very nice and very comfortable and we could eat all together. We enjoyed very much of the walks along Venice and it allowed us to have more confidence between ourselves. In the nights we went out to the discotheque and we spent it very well; though there were some incidents, nothing prevented us from enjoying.

There were many anecdotes: one day we went to a restaurant and declared badly a word that produced understood villains and we could not eat because it was impossible to stop the guffaws; another day we went to the library of a cathedral and there was a mirror in the soil where I reflected my hand and I scared very much because I thought that a person of the mirror was going to go out, and again the laugh got hold of us; or for example when there was an misundeststanding with a shop and accidentally I took something erroneous, it was impossible to stop laughing.

In this trip I have learned many things of that beautiful country, Italy, but especially I have learned to want and value more the friends who have shared this trip with me because we have shared many things and now we have more   confidence. Undoubtedly it has been one of the best trips of my life. 

Sandra Vicente
2n de Batxillerat A

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