Monday, May 27, 2013


My last composition of English at JMJ

This is the last composition… Yes, the last. It seems impossible that I am at this moment; it seems that it was yesterday when I began in this school and it's been two years since I've been here. On having written this draft I'm feeling a mixture of emotions in my interior: I feel very satisfied to be able to say that I have managed to finish this hard stage; but at the same time I feel sadness on having thought what I am going to leave behind, I have known amazing people and I have lived through unforgettable experiences.

I admit that not all the moments have been easy, not nice either, but of all of them I have learned something and it has made me grow as person and also as a student. This subject has never been easy to me; it has been one of my major difficulties, probably because I did not know how to study and I suffered a blockage in my interior or because simply the things did not go out well. But finally thanks to the effort and the dedication I have managed to overcome the stumbles.

Whenever the end of a stage approaches we have to do inventory of the positive and negative things that we have lived; it is a difficult and heavy work but it is necessary to do it because it helps us to see the mistakes that we have committed and hereby we will be able to avoid them in the future. And besides this so valuable apprenticeship, we will be able to return to live through those moments that made us happy and filled us with pride and emotion. And it is that the truth is that the real value of everything  what we live is that one that remains guarded in our heart and makes us improve constantly; and it is the recollection what keeps us alive because: remembering is living.


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