Friday, December 6, 2013



Here we can see three different photos of my fridge. The first one, on the left, we have got a lot of pizzas and cold cuts. We also have a lot of cheese portions  and then there are some bags of grated cheese. Below there are a lot of  yoghurts with different types of flavors. There also are some custards and crème caramels. There are one or two lettuces and a few containers of meat and prepared macaroni. Finally, in this photo we can see a lot of vegetables and fruit as green beans, onions, cucumbers, potatoes, apples, pears, etc. 

In the second photo we can see some liquids as cold water, milk, lemon juice and other juices. There is a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mayonnaise. There are not many eggs and a few bars of chocolate.

In the last photo there’s a freezer with three different drawers. In the first one there’s a lot of bread. In the second drawer there are a lot of tupperwares with different food in each other, for example sausages, rice, spaghetti, etc. And finally, in the third one it’s all  full of fish.

This has been a summary about my fridge one concrete day, but I usually have different food there, but in this case I have described what I had at that moment.

3r ESO A

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