Sunday, December 21, 2014


And here you have our 2015 CALENDARS 
with British Traditions

3r ESO A

3r ESO C

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Our 2nd BATX students have been working with a project on Christmas Traditions these last classes. Here you have the result of their work and their wishes of a MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dreaming about the future. David A. (1BATX B)


It’s universally known that there’re some cars that can be driven by themselves only with a simple computer that calculate distances, velocity and other values, nevertheless, it isn’t very common and it seems to me that we’re a bit closed mind about this new reality. Undoubtedly, in the next few years people will be travelled by a car.

Many years ago, people said that cars will be able to “fly” in 2000, as a consequence, we’re in 2014 and cars don’t fly, on the contrary, there’re some companies such as Google that have developed a car completely self-sufficient. This is amazing, isn’t it? 

Every day, technology, is giving us lessons about how the future will be, all full-automatized, and with our mobile we will be able to control all the gadgets we have. It’s clear that there are already systems that do all those actions that I’ve said; the problem is that modern automation systems are very expensive and there aren’t available for everybody. 

The first computer that people could buy was only for very rich people because it was very expensive, and nowadays a computer is really “cheap” 

So… the same for those cars that are self-sufficient and environmentally friendly, only high-class people can have those cars at the moment, although, in a near future, cars with fossil fuels will be history, only we will see on our streets and roads, cars that are electric and of course a computer will drive them.

In short, in a near future buy a car controlled by a computer, will be easier, cheaper, and of course we will be more environmentally friendly, and we will reduce greenhouse emissions and of course greenhouse effect!


David Almécija

Monday, December 15, 2014

Dreaming about the future. Narcís R. (1 BATX B)

 Computers will drive our cars for us

I predict that, in the future, we won’t need to drive our cars because computers and machines will do it for us. As a result I believe that there won’t be any accidents owing to completely reliable security systems.

Due to research in technology, I’m sure that cars will fly in some years, maybe not freely, but they will levitate over the road, such as advanced trains now. Without a doubt, they will also be fully electric and as a consequence, there will be no pollution and the climate change will be stopped and fixed.

Every car will have a GPS, and you will only need to select a location to go there. For instance, if you choose to go home, the car itself will drive you there without any danger or risk. Trips will be much quicker because with safety systems and computers driving cars, they will go faster and there won’t be any traffic jams, so nobody will be late and we will have time to do other things while the car drives. Probably, the only manual cars will be racing ones.

Narcís Rodas

Dreaming about the future. Diana B. (1 BATX B)

By 2050, robots will be working as teachers

It is not a secret that for people robots are a synonym of technology. There are lots of films about them. Some of them defend the idea that they are good, or also there is this type of film where there is one special robot which has human values and feelings, and the “bad” human people that want to kill it because they’re afraid that robots will turn up against human race.

Anyway, it is not the first time people imagine that in the future robots will be doing human work, not only as teachers, but doctors, etc. I honestly think it won’t happen. I mean, it’s one of these myths about future technology, like “cars will fly”. Since what year have people been talking about it? And really, will it ever happen?

What I would also like to explain is that robots might not be doing “directly” classes, but what exist are internet courses where you can log on. That means that you can already learn and graduate using technology resources, which are kind of what we’re talking about.

This is not directly related to the topic, but recently, scientists made an experiment with a baby monkey. Instead of the mother monkey feeding it, a monkey- shape robot did it (through a feeding bottle). What was interesting about this experiment is that the baby monkey also had a little teddy to play with. The results were that the baby monkey always preferred being with the teddy instead of the robot.

My conclusions are that, even if technology improves enough to build robot teachers, the student would feel intimidated by the cold character of the robots, and I don’t think that they would feel confident enough to ask for doubts or even if they feel sick, ask them to let the students go home.

Imagine a girl feels bad because she’s in her period. It’s weird, but it is totally possible. She feels so bad. Nowadays, this girl would go to a teacher and explain how she feels. But really, do you think she would be that comfortable with a robot? As a girl, I say no.

A teacher is more than just an information source. A teacher is a human being, who is always ready to help students, more than just teaching. There are, of course, some exceptions, but normally you can trust your teachers for everything.

I really think a robot could not do that. Maybe you can make a human shape robot and make it memorize lots of information. But, as I said before, what the robot would do is talking, and we have to take into account some points. What if a student doesn’t understand? What didactic activities (such as films or interesting videos) would the robot choose? (None, obviously).  And sometimes these materials are really necessary.

In conclusion, I would say values cannot be introduced into a “moving can” in form of long lines of numbers (like in the movies). I would like to add that even if I had the opportunity, what’s the point on working with a machine? Why does that suppose a great achievement? I don’t get it.

Finally what I just want to say is thank you to our teachers who, apart from the typical values, have enough patience to keep teaching us every day. 


Dreaming about the future. Brittany W. ( 1 BATX B )

We won’t need to drive our cars in the future … Computers will do it for us

The world is advancing so quickly these days. Every single month there are new mobile phones being released, new cars being designed.

We cannot keep track of all the innovative developments in the world anymore.

Imagine waking up in the morning not having to search for car keys, jumping into your car and asking it to start the engine .Envisage that in the future, now imagine it in your future. Even though this idea may be difficult to conceive this is where humankind and the world is going.

Cars will no longer need a steering wheel. The car will contain a “brain” of its own and will make decisions by itself.  But a car will never have a soul or a spirit so it cannot replace our cognitive thinking . Personally I believe that this may be the root of some problems . Do we truly want to put all our trust  within a car not only that but  put other people’s lives at risks not just our own .

Is this fast-tracked development a positive or a negative? In my opinion I feel that it can be seen as both. On one side there are a lot of positives as it improves our knowledge of technology, science, nature and transport. It makes people contemplate what their purpose on the earth is and what they are going to contribute to the world.

But what would happen if we reversed all the progressions that we have made to before the Industrial revolution. People would provide for all their basic needs and have our priorities in line. We would supply for our essential necessities within Maslow’s triangle.

This is an ongoing debate and will continue for a very long time  People will continue to be free thinkers and be innovative and creative providing services that they feel people may need.


Dreaming about the future. Anna M. (1 BATX B)


Hi students!

Can you imagine robots working as teachers?  Although you don’t believe it, in the future robots will be our teachers.

Due to the crisis, the schools will not have money to pay the teachers, for this reason they are going to want to buy the robots and don’t pay the salary for them.

In the future, scientistswill create a special robot that they work as teachers. Owing to the creation of this robot, the teachers will not find jobs. As a result, the people aren’t going to study Magisterium.

But the education won’t be like we know nowadays. The robots will only be able to do classes and they aren’t able to punish the bad students. Do you think it is better than now?

Consequently the students only will be the education of the family. In my opinion, the people have to be aware they will have to teach a good education to their children because of the schools aren’t going to do this.

Therefore, I believe that this progress will be so fast and they are going to like these.

Well, this is all. If you have any questions, this is the moment you can ask anything or you can enter to the website:

Thanks for your attention.


Dreaming about the future. Gerard F. (1BATX A)

Extraterrestrials will visit the Earth

Dear boys and girls, 
I’m here to tell you about an amazing and probably terrifying event that will take place in the next fifty years, so probably many of you will be alive.

Scientists predict that extraterrestrials will visit our planet because their planet is dying. At first they will come here looking for energy, such as light and wind to keep themselves alive, they will take for granted that we would like to share our energy with them. But we won’t do it, they should pay taxes for being on our planet being extraterrestrials. So then, they will argue with us about the price of the taxes and as far as I know, they have better weapons than us so if there is a war between humans and extraterrestrials, the once who will lose will be humans. For this reason we might be careful with them if they someday come.

Even though they are not used to live in our planet they will learn English language faster than any other Spanish student has done ever.

Although these are the most probable options why extraterrestrials will come to visit the Earth, they could also come so as to knowing more about us and maybe they are friendly but that is not so probable, if they are peaceful and it is true that their planet is dying, we could search another planet among the earth and the sun where they could live.

I hope that if they one day come they will be peaceful and friendly so then we could learn a lot from each civilization and that would be a huge progress for the human race.

Gerard Ferreiro

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dreaming about the future. Ru C. (1BATX B)


As the universe is huge, humans can imagine that we are not alone in the space.

In the future, extraterrestrials might come to the Earth. We won’t know how, when or why… Maybe could be a war owning to extraterrestrials unknown interests. As they are strangers, we can not be sure if they will come here to know more about us or to invade our planet.

What will be our reaction? During our history, humans have been on the defensive about things that seemed strange to us. This is one of the reasons that convinces me that humans will protect ourselves and attack them. Consequently, it might be a deadly war between the known and the unknown.

Although we have spent a lot of money investigating, we still don’t have a clue about extraterrestrial life. For instance, how will we communicate with them? How do they look like? Where do they come from?

I would like to believe that when the day arrives, we will be more intelligent and we won’t fight, being able to be peaceful with each other and come to an agreement.


Dreaming about the future. Adrià H. (1 BATX A)

Computers will run our homes,  as a consequence, we won’t have as much work to do

       As a result of the last technological investigations and studies, life will be                        easier because in our houses there’ll be automated systems.
In a few years, we will say goodbye to having to get up to close lights, to open                the main door, to cook as a consequence of new proximately electronic and                       programmed home systems.
People in their houses will have an app for their phone to check what’s happening            inside. While they are having dinner and the sun is shining so much, they                            will only have to turn on their phones and close “Close blinds”.
On the other hand, everyone who has this technology will have to pay a litlle                    more of energy because this type of gadgets spend more electricity.
I believe that our lives are going to the “non-doing” way, for our personal                        lifestyle to be good. 
But there is the other part which is not really environmentally friendly,                            because it’s obvious that we’ll waste more energy. Energy that will finish one day            while we don’t definetly introduce renewable ones.


Dreaming about the future! Marina P. (1 BATX B)


Due to advances in the area of automobile, our cars will be very different in a future time.

In the future, we will be using intelligent cars; this means computers will drive cars for us. Such as if you had a Ford, in the future it will be an intelligent Ford and you will be staying in your seat and you will relax. We will have to make traffic lights, in order to be sure the cars will detect the red and green lights. Owing to blind people, the cars will have an exclusive sound only these people will hear, because the cars wouldn’t do noise. As a result, there will be less noise.

Nobody will drive cars because the computers will drive them. Cars will be electric so they won't need gasoline. Consequently, people won’t spend money for the gasoline and electric cars won’t make noise.

During the time you will go by car, you will listen music, eat something, sleep or something that you will like to do. For instance, the car will have all kinds of music and you will choose the kind you like the most.

I predict that we will have an environment less polluted and the people will be more comfortable in their cars. Therefore, I believe the people and our planet will be better.

Marina Poza

1 BTX “B”

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Africa Week

My favorite advert is one of TV3 that is called 'Africa Week' 2003. I like this advertisement for various reasons, the main one is because I appeared in when I was little, when I was 4 years and also because it refers to the children of Africa which is actually the most important.

We all know that there is poverty in Africa; many children do not attend school, they have difficulty eating and they have no home, no clothes and work from an early age. And many of them do not reach five years, which is referred to this advert. Aside, it wants to inform you can see for a week we can see on TV3 in more depth as is the situation in Africa. And from what I have been told by my parents this campaign was created to show that in Africa there is only violence and that week we could see various testimonials and images related to Africa. And it went well and made many people become involved and help.

In conclusion, the intention was to show both things: the good and bad of the continent. Not only the bad as almost always happens. In my opinion this is super nice and I think this would have to be done more. I believe that we set aside undeveloped countries and would be the opposite. We should try to make it possible for everyone to have the same rights because if we do not do it, they can’t do it by themselves.



Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Advertisements are boring for everyone except for the people who dedicate their lives to it, I suppose. Well, at least, I’m in the first group.

There are only few types of advertisement I like: perfume advertising, car advertising and film advertising. I like the first two for what they transmit, that are feelings. For example have you ever noticed how happy is the driver or the family riding on the car advertised? Yes, that’s the point. 

The same happens with perfume advertisements. They sell you a beautiful city, a beautiful life… and it’s impossible not to feel anything about  that but  I am very aware that this isn’t real. If I bought “Dior” I wouldn’t be living a wonderful life in Paris. Everybody knows. Film advertisements are (popularly) known as “trailers”. I think that they are just advertisements presented differently. I agree that we could discuss about this but this is not the object of this composition.

So, there’s only one advertisement that doesn’t fit into these categories, which I like. Actually, there’s more than one. The Estrella Damm ones. We have to admit it: they are creative and geniuses.

They sell you feelings: freshness, love, friendship, etc., which fit perfectly in summer.

These advertisements summarize a perfect summer trip. Usually there is a group of friends who travel in the Mediterranean coast and enjoy  perfect holidays. Between scenes, a couple of bottles of Estrella Damm appear.

What your brain does is unconsciously associate one thing with another: Happy Summer with friends on the beach equals Happiness, and this Happiness means Estrella Damm. I know it looks complicated, but it exists on the twisty minds of the publicity – maker. It’s their strategy.

My favorite one was in 2010. It’s about that, four friends (two girls and two boys) who go on a ship – travel. Two friends are a couple and the other two like each other but they are not together, and at the end they kiss. “At the end” means: at the end of the advertisement, of course, and in the end of the summer. It’s like a fairy –tale story with a happy ending.

These advertisements are famous because they are only in television on summers. The song which is played in this three long minute advertisement is normally nominated as the “Summer Song of the year”.

Finally, I just want to add that publicity it’s with us, everywhere, in our houses, on the streets, in the schools. For example: look at our English book. It is publicizing its editorial even though we can barely notice. 

Honestly, I have to say there are pretty funny advertisements (and I am not referring to “”). And that’s good, I guess.




While I was reading the newspaper I noticed that I had to do a composition about our favorite advertisement so as I was reading a news about what these days is happening in Catalonia, I decided to search an advertisement that was on television a few years ago and which showed to listeners what Catalonia country has.

It was a Estrella Damm advertisement and there appeared on it a man in a bar talking to the waiter about also my favorite football team: FCBarcelona, so this advertisement has everything for me, it explains what do we have and it also explains that FCBarcelona has the best footballers in the world. Then while the man is talking to the waiter, a member of a Catalonian band called Els Amics de les Arts appears from the background and says some things that our contry has for example the Pyrenees and the large shore from Alcaná to Port Bou, then he continues walking and another member of the band appears I think he might be the guitarist if I don’t have bad memory. This man talks about that some famous monuments built here such as La Sagrada Família and el Park Güell where designed by Antoni Gaudí a Catalonian man.

Actually, I’d rather not explain everything they say because I think it’s a nice advertisement to see on this amazing days where Catalonia is voting if we want to be independent or not, so watching this advertisement would help us to remember what we have and what we’ve done for many years to fight for our country, because they also say some amazing dishes made here in Catalonia like: “El Ttrinxat” or les “Galetes de Camprodon”, this dishes made Catalonia what we are now and we must preserve our traditions either if we are independent or not.

So, for all these reasons this is my favorite advertisement, I think I’ve chosen this one and not any other because we are passing through some difficulties to decide our future, and I feel myself independent and watching this advertisement I can claim nice things, our things that we have.

Gerard Ferreiro

Monday, November 10, 2014



It is universally acknowledged the adverts are hated. When the film is in the best part, always adverts start.

Although I hate adverts, I need to accept that there are adverts I love. For example  “Toyota Auris Hybrid Feel!” or “Bezoya” advert. They are very positive and I love them.


Toyota advert is about a man inside the car, singing with the music  but in fact he is in the middle of India with a lot of cars, people and an elephant!!!  Nevertheless he is singing and happy with his music and he disconnects from around.


Bezoya advert is very similar because it is very positive, as far as I’m concerned it is more positive than the other. This tries to find the best face of the life and when you watch these types of adverts I believe that you try to be more positive in your life.


There is no denying that there are adverts that change you and your thinking. Despite a lot of people hate them, they are very important. And the both I talked before I recommend to you Lurdes because they are different than the others; very originals and this can change your mood. For this reason I think you have to watch them when you are a bit sad or angry and your feels will turn to happiness. 

Anna Marsal Villalón

1r BTX “B”


My favorite advert is one of many that has made Nike. The headline is "Take it to the next level" and it was recorded six years ago.

The advert is that you simulate that you are a football player.  A game starts and you shoot a freekick you score goal and give victory to your team. Wenger, the manager of Arsenal Team sees you in the match and transfers you to his team. You start with your new team playing matches, training and experience as a professional player. 

During the advertisement, you play against famous players like Ibrahimovic, Rooney or Tevez, among others. After improving playing, the selection calls for you to play, the selection of the Netherlands to specify . In the game with the selection you shoot one freekick like the first in the advert but with the whole environment changed to another level, “to the next level”.

It’s my favorite advert because I'm a very big fan of football. And being a professional football player would be a dream. This ads just gets you in the shoes of a player for three minutes and does everything a player does in real life. You play against very good players and some of them are my idols. Apart from all this, Nike is a sports brand and in the same announciement showed his boots, his balls, his sponsored teams kits.... So I think the message and the marketing was achieved.

Dani Caparrós Cuní



I am going to recommend  you an advertisement that is very funny to see and perfect if you need to buy a new car.

I have chosen an advertisement that it is original, colorful and interesting. It is about a new urban car whose brand is Renault and the name of the car is Twingo. I think that it will come in 2015 so you have to wait more or less two months if you want to buy it. Also, this advert is new so probably you haven't  watched it before.

Now I am going to explain this advertisement. First of all, it is not very long so it is not boring. However, it maybe makes you dizzy when you are watching it. Secondly, this advertisement is not the typical adverts of cars that we can see the driver and the places that appear in there are real. It is about a car that is driven in different places. For example, it starts in a door, locked, and suddenly the car jumps on a block of flats that are under construction and then it appears from a shoe and after that, the car avoids raindrops. And at the final of the advert, the car is in the universe!

It sounds weird, but there are places that show that this kind of car is capable to be driven in different and extreme places.
Finally, I hope that you like this advertisement. I saw it and I really enjoy it.  And if you need a new car maybe you can buy it!

Sunday, November 9, 2014


My favourite advertisement

I’m not really fan of advertisements; actually I hate them because they cut everything I try to watch at TV, it is one of the reasons why I don’t watch television regularly. The only things that I watch in television are Family Guy and the news because in my opinion the realities are the worst thing I have ever seen in TV, they are all manipulated and the participants are like… (I prefer not to continue) and the series that I follow, I prefer to watch them on the internet because there are not adverts and you can see them when you have time and not when the channels put them.

Well, returning to the main topic of the composition my favourite advert is a Heineken one that shows us a group of women led by another women that is the owner of a really big house, she is showing her house to the others and she finally shows her wardrobe where she has a lot of shoes dresses and clothes her friends start screaming out loud when suddenly they hear some men shouting louder than them, obviously they go to investigate what’s happening and they see that the men are shouting because the boyfriend is showing his fridge, that is plenty of beers (Heineken obviously) to his friends.

I love this advert because every time I see it I start to laugh because it is a really good idea to sell their product, because if you see an advert and you laugh it means that you will probably remember it for a long time and maybe you will show it to another person and is a way for more people to see it. 

Another reason that I like this advertisement is because I saw it in Crackovia (a TV program of humour) that is the same but changing the women for Sergio Ramos, Guti and Ronaldo and the men for Nuñez and Florentino in Florentino’s strongbox. When I saw this I looked for it on the internet and I saw the advert.

In conclusion I think that is a really good advert because it has 5 or 6 years and I’m still remembering it and that mean that is really well done and it’s also funny.



My favourite advertisement

My favourite advertisement is one that hasn’t been emitted in Spanish TV. I have seen this advert because of a Youtube channel of a guy who sometimes looks totally crazy makes reviews of adverts that don’t have any sense like for example mostly of Desigual’s adverts.  It’s an American advertisement of Wilkinson Sword the shaving brand.

This ads is an animated one which explains that man and their babies have been always fighting for mum’s attention and kisses. But babies always won because of their soft and cute skin since the day that man found the Wilkinson shaving advert that equalized the fight for mom’s love.

Since that day babies have been training in the shadows to fight against dads. They trained martial arts, they lift weight with his toys and they practice the most lethal weapon of a baby: the Stinky Fart.

The ads ends with the baby knocking over the door where his dad is shaving and starting a kung fu fight with him with the slogan at the bottom of “Fight for kisses”.

It ‘s a very funny advert which a shaver that can make your skin as soft as the one of a baby. It’s hilarious to see the baby training to beat his father but the best is when he does the stinky fart which knocks out the dog who was standing behind him ( collateral damage I suppose )



My favorite advertisement

I had never asked myself which is my favorite advertisement, until today and it hasn't been easy, but I've remembered an old one which I liked when I was a child and I've already found it on Youtube!

I've chosen it because I liked this advertisement when I was younger and I always laughed at it with my father and my grandfather. What I like the most of it is the song, even though it's in Spanish. What I don't really mind about it if the product they're trying to sell is a car, food or whatever.

I think it's an original advertisement, not only because the toys have nothing to do with the car, although they are to show that it's a big car, another reason to say that it's original would be that it's not the kid the one who puts the toys in the trunk, the toys go themselves into it.

Ignasi Martínez


John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014

John Lewis is a chain of luxury shops in Great Britain. This year, they have made an amazing Christmas advert to promote their business.

The advert shows us a story of a child and his penguin, they seem to be best friends. We see them in many different actions such as watching the TV, playing with Lego, strolling in a park, playing football and many other actions. One of my favourite moments is when the child must eat some fish, but he hates it, so when their parents don’t see him, the penguin jumps to the table and eats the fish.

Until this moment, everything is going alright, but then the penguin starts to be different. This starts when the family is watching a film and the penguin sees for the first time a couple kissing. Then, when he is with his best friend doesn’t stop to see couples kissing everywhere (when they are skiing, in the bus...) and he feels really sad and alone. The child doesn’t understand anything at the beginning, but then he realizes that his penguin needs somebody to love. On Christmas day, when the child wakes up, he wakes the penguin too, and they go together to the living room. There is a penguin (female) waiting for them. The male penguin looks really happy. The the mother of the child arrives, and she sees his son playing with two teddy penguins.

I’ve chosen this advert because when I saw it, I was expecting the typical Christmas advert, but then there appeared a penguin (AND I LOVE PENGUINS OH MY GOD!), and my interest grew. This advert has moments of laughs, but it’s also very emotive. And when you realize that the penguin is a was really surprising!

I strongly recommend you this advert. You’ll love it!

Joel Monedero
1st B