Tuesday, November 11, 2014



While I was reading the newspaper I noticed that I had to do a composition about our favorite advertisement so as I was reading a news about what these days is happening in Catalonia, I decided to search an advertisement that was on television a few years ago and which showed to listeners what Catalonia country has.

It was a Estrella Damm advertisement and there appeared on it a man in a bar talking to the waiter about also my favorite football team: FCBarcelona, so this advertisement has everything for me, it explains what do we have and it also explains that FCBarcelona has the best footballers in the world. Then while the man is talking to the waiter, a member of a Catalonian band called Els Amics de les Arts appears from the background and says some things that our contry has for example the Pyrenees and the large shore from Alcaná to Port Bou, then he continues walking and another member of the band appears I think he might be the guitarist if I don’t have bad memory. This man talks about that some famous monuments built here such as La Sagrada Família and el Park Güell where designed by Antoni Gaudí a Catalonian man.

Actually, I’d rather not explain everything they say because I think it’s a nice advertisement to see on this amazing days where Catalonia is voting if we want to be independent or not, so watching this advertisement would help us to remember what we have and what we’ve done for many years to fight for our country, because they also say some amazing dishes made here in Catalonia like: “El Ttrinxat” or les “Galetes de Camprodon”, this dishes made Catalonia what we are now and we must preserve our traditions either if we are independent or not.

So, for all these reasons this is my favorite advertisement, I think I’ve chosen this one and not any other because we are passing through some difficulties to decide our future, and I feel myself independent and watching this advertisement I can claim nice things, our things that we have.

Gerard Ferreiro

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