Monday, January 27, 2014

Should girls and boys be taught separately? Laura M. (2n batx B)

Girls and boys should be taught separately

During the history a lot of people had been thinking about the idea of having different classes or even schools for girls and boys, because (I suppose), so many years ago, girls and boys studied separately. But is it necessary to apply this method? I will answer this question by discussing the arguments in favor and the points against, and finally I will give my opinion on the conclusion.

On one hand, if girls and boys were taught separately, especially if they were teenagers, because they get distracted a lot with the people from other genre, they would be more concentrated in class because they wouldn’t have any distraction like that. The behavior between girls and boys is different, so if they were separated, the teachers could apply different taps of discipline and the results in each student would be better.
But, on the other hand, that boys and girls stay together is the best option because they can develop good relationship with anyone and they will be prepared for the real world. If they were separated, when they would talk with each other they wouldn’t know what to say or how to act. Although the girls and the boys had different points of view it is not an excuse to educate them separately. They have to have the same education and discipline, because it’s more enriching that boys and girls are in the same class. If they are together, they will learn more, because their way of think is different in some points and it would be helpful for all to share their opinions. Also, this usually can make you realize your mistakes.

To sum up, I believe that it is more useful that girls and boys are teaching together because it prepares them for the future, for the communication (a foundation for life and for work) and that in this way, they can learn more because they have different points of view and to discuss each other they have to reflect more and better their opinions.


Sunday, January 26, 2014



I think I’m not really super connected but maybe a little bit. I have to recognize that I like internet and I don’t know if I could live without it. There are a lot of people like me and they also need internet.

I use internet for a lot of things. For example I use it to email other people. I have an account called Gmail, it is by google. But I also have an instant messaging. It’s the WhatsApp application for phones. All my friends have it. I download music and computer games with a programme called Softonic. I think it’s very useful because it is free and there are a lot of gadgets. I have registered on a social network. 

It’s the Facebook. In this website I can post messages on a message board and I can chat with other people, but there isn’t a public chat room. You only can speak with your friends. I have never created a personal webpage or a blog. But the thing that I most enjoy doing is to play computer games online. I love playing games, especially war games. My favourite is one called Call of Duty Ghost. It’s incredibly realist and violent.

I can’t live without technology!

3r ESO C



I’m a guy who is so connected in the internet and the first thing I do when I arrive at home is turn on my laptop. There I search for news because I’m very gossip and I enter to my Facebook and Ask account and I see what my friends have done and I chat with some of them.

Of course, as for everything, the obsession with the internet has pros and cons. I reckon it isn’t bad because you have a lot of information for your works and then you have everything you want for entertain yourself. For example, I’m always listening to music in YouTube, Spotify and I do also watch videos. Another thing I really like to do is look what famous people as footballers, singers… do. 

Talking about the cons we could say that if you spend too much time connected you don’t live the real life which is meeting with your friends or family and having good times with all of them. Also, for example if you play games (which is not my case) and you enjoy it you can create an obsession in your brain and you don’t want to stop even for 5 minutes and then you can have serious problems. There are other advantages and disadvantages that I haven’t said but this are the most important. So, what I think is that if you use the internet for studying and listening to music or play games for a time you can have a good life and it doesn’t become dangerous, quite the opposite, you use the internet as a hobbit and it becomes very entertaining.

Finally, I’d like to say that I connect a lot in the internet, but I’m not obsessed as other people and I love meeting with my friends and family because they truly are my life and I couldn’t live without them. So, internet isn’t my obsession, they are it.

3r ESO A

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Should boys and girls be taught separately? Jaume E. (2n batx B)

Girls and boys should be taught separately

The current Spanish government has recently been discussing an old dilemma which comes from the times of the dictatorship: the segregating educative system that divided boys and girls in different schools. There are several reasons that make us think that this is a very retrograde and bad idea which doesn’t fit in a modern and European country. But otherwise, there are a lot of points that will prove that this can be an idea to solve the scholar failure in our country.

Is it better to separate boys and girls just in order to improve the attention and education in class? In my opinion, this alteration would have positive and negative effects to the pupils. It is true that the fact of mixed classes with boys and girls produces a good influence on each other. Men and women have to live in the same society, and they also have to work together in their jobs. So separating them would produce a lack of skills in a future workplace, so preparing pupils for the real world is one of the strongest reasons that back up the current educative system.

But actually, there are a lot of points to distrust in this system. It is believed that young people start relationships earlier than other generations did. So that is turning some schools in a big dating centre in which boys and girls go there just to flirt and messing around. Classes turn into places where you can find a partner. Nothing to do with classes when the segregating system was on. It is also believed that boys and girls learn in different ways, so it would be better to separate them in other to potentiate their different learning styles, and I’m pretty sure that would make improve our studies level.

Despite this, I still believe that boys and girls must learn together, because that’s the best way to create a society where men and women have the same importance in the job world.




I think I’m connected because I have three counts of email. The email is a thing that I use a lot for send works or images to my friends or teachers. I created two years ago a personal page to post my poems but know I don’t use it and I eliminated it I think that in the future I will create another but I don’t think so. When I was a child I play many games online about platforms or strategies but know I don’t like it and I don’t have much time for this I prefer going out with my friends or to the cinema.

I love chatting on “WhatsApp” because I can talk with my friends specially for the friends that live in other parts of Spain I bet that chat is a very good and fantastic idea but only if you don’t start to be and addict of Internet or social webs. I have downloaded many songs in my life but I also like a lot a website called YouTube I think that it’s the best because I can see songs, videos…. For free it’s very popular especially for the teenagers. I have joined in many social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tuenti and Instagram. My favorites social networking sites are Facebook because I can chat with many friends and Instagram to share my photos with people around the world.

In the other side I think that I don’t know many things about make videos with programs we are very connected but in the social side in the work side we must learn many things for prepare our life into our jobs. For example I want to learn how to use Photoshop and for it we need much hours of ICT.

I’m very interested in websites about music and films 
and the websites that I’m not interested are advice and relationships.

3r ESO A

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I am not super connected

I haven’t emailed people but I have downloaded music from the Internet. I haven’t shared films with people. I have joined Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and I have posted photos and videos of myself on this websites. I have posted a message on a message board but I haven’t created a blog. I have played games with people online but I haven’t logged onto a chat room recently. I have used a search engine to find answers to my homework.

I spend about an hour every day using the Internet. I have played games online instead of studying. I have only three games in my desktop because I hardly ever buy games. I prefer games to chat rooms.

And finally I am very interested in quizzes and competitions. I am quite interested in music and film. I am interested in jokes. I am not very interested in horoscopes. I am not interested in fashion and shopping.

I am not super connected...

3r ESO A

BEING CONNECTED! Sebastián G. (3r ESO C)


Hello I’m Sebastián González; and I’m 14 years old.

In the 21st century technological things are improved and there are a lot of new devices. I haven’t got any device, no mobile, no facebook, no twitter, no instagram, etc... Because I don’t like it, and these devices make you distracted and the most important in my life is studying and I can’t afford it. I never do a message board, a blog, an e-mail, etc... Only I use Internet to download music or do my homework, because I need music and do my homework. When I was 11, I had a mobile phone but it was a distraction to me and my notes were affected I failed maths class, my mom was really unhappy and took my mobile phone.

Finally I advice to the other young people not to be super connected, you can use devices and distract with it but can’t not be super super super distracted cause your future depends on your studies.

Sebastián González

3r ESO “C”

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dear Santa, ... Lourdes G. (3r ESO A) Santa:

I’m writing you because this year I was a very good girl I help my parents a lot with the housework and I study too much and my marks at school were very well with 9, 8 and 10. 

And one of my wishes dear Santa for this Christmas is to be my family and I more happy than every year. 

And other thing that I could wish is more love and friendship for other people because these things in life are very important. I hope you could send some happiness with my best for the rest of the people around the world especially for boys and girls and girls that have my age.

And other wish that I could say it’s very impossible but if you could help me: it’s that my great-grandmother  could return to the life and if I will see her again one more moment in my life because I miss her so much. The last wish is that I would like to visit my town this Christmas and go out with my best friend there and Dear Santa you could make snow this Christmas there I want to watch snow.

And material things Santa Claus I don’t want many things other boys or girls, I only want two jumpers and some jeans and a watch as well.

I spent that you could made my  wishes true I now am preparing you some cookies and bottles of milk; I know that Rudolph likes a lot chocolate cookies and I bought especially for him and for the other reindeers as well.

Thanks for listening to me Santa a lot of kisses for the people that works with you.

3r ESO A

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dear Santa.. Joan O. (3r ESO C)


Dear Santa,

I would like a lot of gifts for this year, like in previous years. I don’t know why you never give me the presents that I request. I hope this year you will give me all of them.

The most valuable gift that I want is the Play Station 4 and obviously some games. I think I deserve it because my school marks are very good. Another present could be an enormous puzzle. I really like them. I think they are entertaining and they are good pastimes. If it’s possible; I would like it about The Simpsons. I know it‘s difficult to find puzzles of these characters. But I think that in the Corte Inglés you could find it.

I also want few books to read. I also like reading, especially adventure books. You can bring me the book that you prefer, you can choose on my behalf.

 The last present that I need is a bicycle. My previous bicycle doesn’t work very well. I don’t know how I broke it. For this reason I need a new bicycle. I prefer a Sprint bicycle. But I don’t care if you give me another bicycle brand.

Joan Oller

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dear Three Wise Men, ... Rebeca A. (3r ESO C)

19, Malats
Catalonia (Spain)
Rebeca Aldea

I had some problems and mistakes this year, in spite of everything, I have been a good girl. I think so because firstly I had good marks last year, and secondly I always try to help my family doing houseworks
and errands.

If it isn’t too much trouble, I would like some presents for Christmas time:

I think that I need a high quality flat iron, because the one that I have is very old and it doesn’t work very good and I need it because every morning I heat-straighten my hair.

I also would like to get clothes. I know that I have enough clothes but I would like designer clothes because I don’t very often buy them. I would love to get new basketball sneakers because the ones that I have now are broken. I especially like the Kobe 8 sneakers (Nike), so if it’s possible I would like to have them.

I finally wish that all my family could have good year full of health, work and happiness.

Your good friend,


P.S.: There will be milk and different types of nougat candy waiting for you. Just look to the table that it’s next to the Christmas tree. See you next year my friends!

3r ESO C

Dear Three Wise Men, ... Gemma T. (3r ESO C)


My name is Gemma and I’m 14 years old. I’ve been a good girl this year. I helped my  grandparents when they needed something and I helped my mother doing the dishwasher.

I would like a camera to put inside the water because I think it’s funny to take photos under the water in the beach or in the pool. Last year I fell skiing because I was jumping and I hurt my back for this reason I want a protaction for my back and new ski boots. I would like some clothes for Winter and a new bag for go to the mountain. I want a handbag too because the other one I have is very old. And for don’t forget the school, a book to read in my free time. Finally I would like a perfume to smell very well.      
For my mother I want you to bring a big ring with a necklace  or a scarf.

Thanks for reading and I'm going to be very nervous waiting for you like every year!

A very big hug for you three and a kiss for all your camels!        

3r ESO C                                                   

Dear Santa, ... Éric F. (3r ESO A)

Dear Santa,

This year I’ve been a very good boy so please make my wish list come true. First, I have to recognize that many times I’ve argued with my parents, but not a lot. So now I’m going to wish for some things and explain why I want all of them.

My priority is that all my family and my loved ones have a good health and a very happy life. Then, of course, I’d also want exactly the same for me. Talking about gifts I would like if you can, to give me a new mobile phone and a new laptop because the ones that I have now are very old fashioned and don’t work as well as they did before. I would also want some films and tv show dvds chosen by you and your elves. Finally, about materialistic things I just wish for a special one created in your North Pole factory and done it of love from the bottom of your heart, and it doesn’t matter what’s going to be. I wanted to comment to you why I don’t want a lot for Christmas, and it’s because nowadays I’m very happy with the life that I have because I’m with who I love, I don’t have any big problem and I just enjoy the life which is the best gift of them all because not everybody can have a happy one. So the last thing I would want it’s not for me, it’s for the people that in this moments are having bad times for example in Africa and other countries, and I wish for each and every person of them water and food and other help they need because they deserve it.

That’s everything I want. And I would want to thank you very much because what you do doesn’t have price and you are the only person who I know that helps the others without asking anything in return and you just make people smile, which is the best in this world.

Best wishes!

Éric Fortes
3r ESO A

Remembering Nelson Mandela. Laura M. (2n batx B)


Mandela said a lot of fantastic quotes like: “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” or “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. But I’m going to concentrate on one of them: “IT ALWAYS SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE UNTILL IT’S DONE”.

I have chosen the last one because I suppose it’s a sentence that makes that we believe in ourselves and that we concentrate in our goals. If sometimes we try to do something, but we can’t do it and nobody believes in us, we can remember that sentence and say to us that it only seems impossible, but when we can achieve it, it will be possible for anyone.

Some people don’t trust on you or on what you want to do. A lot of people have a lot of troubles in their life. Someone in their life could say to them that they can’t achieve what they were expecting. But we know we can do anything.

A good example is Einstein, who had bad marks and was expelled from school because he was considered a bad influence on his classmates and, after that, he became one of the best physicals on the world.

Another example could be this: you would be investigating something like a cure that nobody for the moment could find it. So, probably a lot of people would say that you couldn’t achieve it. And you would fail once, twice… But after a lot of attempts you would get a result.

All this proves that something is impossible only until someone gets it; that it was what Mandela said. The hope, the faith in oneself and specially a big effort can lead to a great triumph and achieve the impossible.


Remembering Nelson Mandela. Mireia B. (1r batx B)


Nelson Mandela grew up in a normal African tribe called Mvezo. One day, he saw some Englishmen for first time and thought that they were gods.  He dealt with them with respect and fear because he observed how the adults admired them.

When he started to go to school his teacher asked his name and he answered: “My name is Rolihlahla Mandela”. The teacher thought that it wasn’t an appropriate name for the new society so he decided to call him Nelson.

When he was studying laws he decided to move to Johannesburg. It was where he discovered the discrimination of the skin colour. The racism of this society created inside African people a resentment that exploded as a rebellion. He had been working in the African National Congress for the equal rights but the government noticed and tried to shut up them. One day his son asked him why he didn’t stay with the family and he answered: “In the world there were thousands of more children that I have to care for.” His son was very surprised but Mandela said it was the lousy truth.

The state had some revolutionary events and the government declared the ANC illegal. He was arrested and was condemned to life imprisonment. At the end, when he was accused about all crimes he said: “Yes, but you’re the true criminals.”

Nelson Mandela was discriminated; he didn’t have trainers, received less sugar, less meat and less fish but his conduct surprised all the guardians. They had never faced a prisoner with such dignity and self-confidence as him. Years after, some African students were attacked by the African army. Then, the spirit of Nelson Mandela relived and the society of around the world reclaimed his freedom. After, the government let him free.

He was reclaimed a hero and won the Nobel Prize of Piece. He was the first elected in a democratic election where people independent of his skin colour could vote. He served as President. He achieved equality in the African society. Finally, Nelson Mandela died the 5th of December 2013.
Some famous sentences that Nelson Mandela said were:
In my opinion, Nelson Mandela was trying to express if children are educated they will know how to act to have a democratic state and a peaceful place to life. It was one of the things that Mandela fought for when he was in the presidency. He thought if children have education the country won’t have to the relive the old experiences.

This sentences is one of the most famous because it was what he said in public for first time after 27 years in prison. He wanted to express that South Africa doesn’t have to relive the experience of discrimination by people’s skin. He hoped that the society could live together with no oppressions and no discriminations. Living everybody with equal rights.

For me this sentence means that to get a goal you don’t have to use violence, discrimination, oppression…You have to try doing good things and forgiving the people who has done a bad thing because if you don’t do it you won’t get something that you want. Nelson Mandela gave the example of South Africa.

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
Nelson Mandela wanted to explain that you don’t hate by naturally, it’s because someone has taught you how to hate people, but love is a thing that appears naturally. If you are able to hate, of course that you’re able to love because love is easier than hate. I’m agree because love comes from the heart, when you are young the first thing that you experiment is the love, not the hate.


Remembering Nelson Mandela. Sandra G. (1r batx B)

Nelson Mandela

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about two famous sentences of Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela was an important person in the political word of South Africa. He defended human rights and he thought that white and black people were the same. He stayed in prison because there were people who didn’t accept his ideals and ideas. When he left prison, he became the president of South Africa.

Well, I’m going to talk about two sentences because I searched in Google original sentences of him and I found two of it that I think are more interesting.

The first sentence says: “after climbing a very high mountain, we discovered that there are many mountains to climb”. I think that in this sentence, Mandela tried to transmit that in the life there are many things to do and things are more difficult or not. But when we have overcome one difficult thing, we have other things to overcome. In Mandela’s life, there are many problems to overcome and he didn’t surrender. When he overcame a big problem, he knew that he had other problems to overcome too. And I think that he tried to transmit it to the other people.

The second sentence says: “everything seems impossible until it’s done”. I think this sentence is really good because it’s true. For example, there are many things that seem impossible for someone, because some people think that they can’t do something. But when some person like Nelson Mandela tells us that they are possible, we try to do them and we discover that we can do them!

Nelson Mandela, of course, was a really good man and his ideas will help to change the word.

Sandra Garbí

1r BTX B

Friday, January 10, 2014

Remembering Nelson Mandela. Ricard C. (1r batx B)

Nelson Mandela

First of all I would like to express my condolences for the loss of Nelson Mandela to his family.

This quote is true. Education is the base of the intelligence, so if we are intelligent we will be able to realize what governments, banks, big corporations and the society are doing with us.

I am very sad to say that but, in Spain is happening something that is going to change many things in a near time. Government is reducing the quantity of money dedicated to education (as other basic population services). Why are they doing something like that? It isn’t complicated to know. If the residents of a country aren’t enough clever the people who manage them will take a profit. Politicians will be rich and population will be poor, although they will be happy. That is because football and stupid TV programs are a good combination to amuse people.

Are you thinking that it is actually happening? Nowadays there are not more people like Mandela was. He had been fighting for human rights as hard as he could. His pass by the prison reflects that even the best people are not valuated by everyone in the same way.

In summary, we should stand up and defend our rights if we want to continue living in a “democracy”.

Ricard Cabezas
1r batx B

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Remembering Nelson Mandela. Paula A. (2n batx B)


Like every year on the 18th of July, all the citizens from South America show their gratitude to Nelson Mandela.

I’m Naila Kino and I was born in South Africa. I’m 19 years old and I’m studying the first year of Journalism in the University of Johannesburg. I’m so glad to write this article about the hero from my country and his official annual day.

This day was declared the annual international day in honor to Mandela by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on November 2009. So since 2010 all the citizens from my country rise up to show our gratitude for Mandela’s fight for our rights.

The aim of this day is "Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes." It consist of dedicating 67 minutes of this day to help people around us.

What I did this year with my family and friends was going to the old people’s home to sing typical songs from South America and to organize some activities for them. I was so delighted to do it, because they are a part of our society that sometimes feels lonely.

I wouldn’t like to finish this article without emphasizing the hero of my country. For me, Nelson Mandela is the person who represents the fight for the rights and the equality from my country. My grandparents always explain me how the conditions were, the dark people. This organization of the society was called apartheid. Some of the rules of the apartheid were:
  •  Black couldn’t hold positions in the government and couldn’t vote.
  • Black couldn’t have business jobs.
  •  Public transport was completely segregated, in trains, buses, planes, taxis or even cities.
  •  Black people were not allowed to go in in areas designated for white people, unless they had a pass issued by the police. White also had to carry a pass to enter the zones assigned to blacks.
  • Public buildings had different entrances for black and white.

Because of this injustice all the nation protest against the apartheid and Nelson Mandela was our voice in front of the world. That’s why I’m so grateful to him. He fought for our rights, for the equality, the education and the sanity from our country.

Thank you, Nelson Mandela.

Paula Aldea
2n batx B