Friday, February 28, 2014



A recent study in the USA showed that 75% of high school students have cheated in exams or tests. This is a very big problem! We can’t stay doing anything. I think teachers have to control it better. And students have to know that this behaviour isn’t correct. In the future this could be a problem for the students because when they cheat they don’t study anything, and it causes that when they do more important exams they will fail the test, for example the university entrance exams.

The sentence of the title: “cheats never win and winners never cheat” isn’t very correct. Maybe it has a true part. But it isn’t always correct. For example, you are a runner and you cheat doping yourself. Maybe you can win the race or the doctors can discover your actions. You can win cheating, be famous and nobody knows what happened or you can lose, the doctors discover that you have cheated and be the worst runner of all the history. I think it’s better to fight to get your trophies, and if you lose, you could be happy for your effort.

With the new technology it is being easier to cheat but to beating the cheats too. Now with the blood test the doctors can know if you have doped yourself. Or, in the classes, teachers can shoot a video with a camera while you are doing an exam, and then they can revise the video
Definitely, the cheats at the beginning they can win but years later, they will lose! 

3r ESO C



As we know the majority of students have cheated in tests and exams and for a lot of people this is quite normal and it really doesn’t matter, but for others this is an unacceptable action done by a lot of people. So now I’m going to explain my opinion about it.

Sincerely, I reckon that’s not too bad to cheat in an exam just once or twice because it can be the case that you understand nothing about something, so if you need to pass you must cheat. But of course, what I think is horrible is cheating always or simply a lot of times and I really detest it because there are people who have worked hard to take a good mark and that persons who don’t study take a better one than the others, so that’s not fair. For me the school should do something about it and should suspend those students and the students should fail the respective subject. Personally, I’m a boy who does never cheat so I do always study, and there are a lot of times that I see someone copying the answers from the mobile or a paper and it really makes me angry because I have studied a lot and I have lost a lot of free time and they get better marks, so the sensation you go with after doing a test is very bad. In my opinion, as the pupils use technology to copy the teachers could also use it to take control and keep an eye on the students to see who does things he shouldn’t do. If we stop one minute to think about these situations we will realize that the world is how it is, not only talking about students, also talking about persons who work for an important empress or company so it isn’t fair and it’s not justice that people who deserves more because they have worked too much more get a worse future than other ones who really have done anything except cheating every single time.

This is my honestly opinion and what I think is that one time or another one a person will know who does cheat and there will be a lot of bad consequences, so what I propose is an honest world to collaborate and help each other to make all of us raise up with the direction of a good future.




That it’s a really good expresion and I would like it to be true but it’s not. 

A lot of cheaters have had success in life. One thing is lying, that is sometimes even better than other solutions, and the other is cheating. Personally I hate cheaters and cheats. It makes me too nervous cheating or copying. I think that cheaters are lying to themselves. 

What is horrible is people who don’t need to copy but they do! Intelligent people cheating is one of the most horrible things someone can do or be. Sometimes I don’t know why they do that, To have better marks ? Honestly, people like this are going to have some serious problems at univerity, because their exams are going to put this person into a difficult carrier and in university it’s to hard copy from someone (and you can’t put in a cheat sheet more than 5 units of phylosofy !)

Later, there are some people who cheat because they need it. I don’t really care about those ones, but I think that is better to study a lot and fail an exam and try to do it better the next time that lie to you, to your classmates, to your teacher,...

I think the solution for cheating in exams in our school is not talking. A lot of people don’t care about cheating because the consequenses are a bit weak. Maybe expelling is not the solution but suspend and make fail an evaluation for copying would be a good punishment. People who care about a talk like this it’s not going to copy

3r ESO A


Cheats never win and winners never cheat

Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it's not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game or contest.

Some kids cheat because they're busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending the time studying. Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a "good reason" for cheating, cheating isn't a good idea.

If you were sick or upset about something the night before and couldn't study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don't have enough time to study for a test because of sport practice, you need to talk with your parents about how to balance sport and school.

A kid who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some solutions together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel better than cheating.

I would prefer even to fail with honour than to win by cheating. A loser doesn't know what he'll do if he loses, but talks about what he'll do if he wins, and a winner doesn't talk about what he'll do if he wins, but knows what he'll do if he loses. The winner is always part of the answer and the loser is always part of the problem. I've done my best to study and yet some people will cheat on your papers then they will get higher grades.

Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win are idiots.

3r ESO A

Thursday, February 20, 2014

LAIA LUJÀN SELFA, second prize, John McDowell Award 2014

We are very pleased to inform you that our student LAIA LUJÀN SELFA (2n batx.) has won the second prize of the JOHN McDOWELL AWARD by the APAC (Assoc.  de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya) for her Treball de Recerca entitled ENGLISH IN PUBLICITY

Today, February 20th, in the Opening Session of the APAC-ELT Convention at the Pompeu Fabra university, there has taken place the British Council-APAC ceremony to award the best Treball de Recerca in English language in 2013. The second prize has been awarded to Laia, who has received it from Mr.MIQUEL BERGA, president of the APAC and teacher at the Pompeu Fabra univesity.

The ceremony has been presided by Ms IRENE RIGAU , Consellera d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya, who has congratulated Laia for her excellent work and who has also congratulated our school, as it's the third time that one of our students receives this award.


Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hello Bruno Mars,

I’m your best fan. I have gone to all your concerts. I like your personality and your voice. I think it is the most beautiful voice in the world. Maybe we can meet one day and we could speak. We could be good friends. We have a lot of things in common. For example I can play the guitar or sing very well, like you. Five days ago I went to an audition. The jury said me that I could have a good future with my voice. If you want we can release a single together. It will get a good review, I’m sure of that. I can shoot some photos with you to have more fans; it’s a really good idea because the fans will know who I am! And they are going to know that you are a very comprehensive person. There aren’t too many comprehensive singers. I think this isn’t good for the music world. If the other singers were like you, the fans will be happier.

You have to know that I have a room full of posters of you! My mother always told me that I have to take out all this stupid papers off the walls, but I never going to do it. I really love them!

I have a question for you: Are you going to appear on TV? I formulated this question because I really want to see you. You hardly ever appear on TV. All your fans are expecting this. I think you should accept an interview. So we could enjoy not just your music, but also your ideas.

Well, this is the letter that I was interested in sending you. Answer me please!

With love,

Joan Oller (your best fan)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A letter from a fan Ignacio L. (3r ESO A)

Letter for a famous

Today is your birthday and I write about you, and honestly I don't know where to start, as always. You don't know how hard it is to make a card for your idol because you can't start it like ... Not to say that I have not said.

I must start by saying that for two years now I'm in this so cute admire, support you, follow you and love you so much. Each day my love grows for you, my admiration and proud I am to call myself a fan of Aguero. You're a wonderful person, great player, unique, generous... You are my everything and I am your anything, but I promise to always be with you, beyond change, beyond sadness, beyond the years. Can you retire from professional football one day but I will never remove from my heart.

Hopefully one day of my life I have the opportunity 
to meet you and give you a kiss and a hug. Sometimes I like to go to live beyond my imagination because I always want to leave things as, things are easier. But the dream to meet you I will never give up.

I want to say thanks for making every move and every goal is something magical and unique. Thanks for not giving up even if things are difficult leaving the court the best of you until the last minute. Thank you for your humility. Money makes people rich but humility makes great people, made great to great.

I know that you, like all idols, they are people with feelings, can make mistakes like everyone else, because you are humans beings always try to respect you, respect is what you deserve more in the world. I'll always say and I'm going to repeat a thousand times, I will always be with you all, no matter what you do or fail to do, when you play team in the world. You will always have my respect and admiration. It is my job to support my idol without expecting anything in return.

My happiness has a name, last name and a smile that you will love. Sergio Aguero. You know how to steal a smile. My idol is a person who makes you smile, and while away from you is your reason for being happy.

And finally, if you read this, thanks for your time crack.

There is nothing better than seeing your idol fulfil his dream.

Ignacio Langarita
3r ESO A

Monday, February 10, 2014

A letter from a fan. Pol S. (3r ESO A)


I’ve been a big fan of yours since I was six, and I hope (some day) you will answer this letter. I have just seen your movie “The perks of being a wallflower” and I said to myself: I need to write a letter to her.  

I think you are like an idol for me because of Harry Potter films. Hermione Granger has been my favorite character since forever. The truth is that I grew up with you, and, in some way, I tried to imitate you and specially Hermione (that will explain a lot of things, believe me). Your appearing in that film was my big personal revolution. I saw all the delete scenes, the auditions, outtakes… (Yes, maybe I have had a little obsession with Harry Potter saga for years but now it’s gone). In some way I forgot about you because you didn’t make some other movie or shot a video... but instead of making us wait for the next Harry Potter film you made interviews talking about the filming (thanks about that). I know that you haven’t known if you would continue in the world of the movies but thanks god you continue with Harry Potter saga and you signed a contract with the WB and Universal or I will be right now really depressed. And that was all I know about you since now.

With “The perks of being a wallflower” I tried to discover some other things about you, and I found a really god thing: Music. You haven’t made any song or released any single or album but you have a gorgeous voice. Have you done anything like this yet? Because I really think that you have a future there. I think that the director of the next film of The Beauty and the Beast was thinking like me when propose you to do Bella in it. I’m waiting to see it. Sure you have already noticed that I think you’re brilliant and have really a future, but please don’t be like Miley Cyrus when you go to a party.

3r ESO A

A letter from a fan! Eric F. (3r ESO A)


I’m writing this letter for a lot of reasons. One of them is that I’ve always wanted to say to you that I love you so much and it’d be an honour for me to meet with you one day. Now, I’m going to explain how much you mean to me and your influence in my life.

First of all, you should know that I’ve followed you since I was a child, and I had great times while I was watching your TV show called Hannah Montana.  Five years were the years that I laughed every single day when I saw you in my television, but not only this, because since the very beginning I’ve admired your talent and your personality, and the best of all those years was seeing you growing up, seeing a little fourteen-year-old girl becoming later a famous pop star. Without doubting that show was my childhood and I will never forget it. And look now, you’ve changed a lot, but it really doesn’t matter because I will always support you. 

There are a lot of things that I’ve learnt from you, for example that the best that someone can do is living his life having fun and while not taking care about what the others say. For me you represent a very important part of my life because I’ve always lived with you, first with your Disney show and now with you professional singing career. Simply, you have become an idol for me. People can call me crazy, but the truth is that you’ve been part of my best and my worst moments and your songs have always helped me when I’ve been depressed, so thank you so much. Please don’t change, you’re perfect as you are, and don’t take importance about what people think about you, just be yourself and enjoy your life doing whatever you want if it makes you happy.

Now, I’m expecting for 13th June 2014. This day will be the day that I’ve always waited for, the day that since I was 6 years old I want to live, so I’m so excited to see you and it’ll be like a dream. Finally, meantime I’m just going to continue my life, because as you said one day “Life is climb”.

Best wishes, 

3r ESO A

Friday, February 7, 2014

COOKING CLASS. Guillem S. and Maria N. (3r ESO A)


Guillem Sánchez and Maria Nogales
3r ESO A

Thursday, February 6, 2014

COOKING CLASS. Joan O. and Sebas G. (3r ESO C)

3r ESO C

Should boys and girls be taught separately? Mariona E. (2n batx B)

Should boys and girls be taught separately?

There has always been a big controversy about boys and girls being taught separately. Nowadays, it is really current to see both types of schools but some years ago the tendency was to separate both sexes. From my point of view, we should never be taught this way.
To begin with, I strongly believe a class with boys and girls is better than a single sex class because, although they may have different learning styles or different ways to behave, they can learn about each other and complete the other. Moreover, it is said that these classes are funnier and have less conflicts because there is a balance.
Likewise, guys have to learn to communicate with the opposite gender if they want to success in the future and have a good work life. In my opinion, learning with both female and male gender is a good influence and helps to be prepared for the real world.
On the other hand, some people think separate schools are better because of the concentration or the high qualifications. It’s true that guys can be more concentrated in these classes because in mixed classes they focus on getting the attention of the opposite sex. However, boys and girls learning together provides more experience and preparation for the future.

To finish with, guys take more advantage and learn more in mixed classes so, as far as I concerned, they should never be taught separately. Boys and girls were born to live together and so as to learn together.

2n batx. B