Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hello Bruno Mars,

I’m your best fan. I have gone to all your concerts. I like your personality and your voice. I think it is the most beautiful voice in the world. Maybe we can meet one day and we could speak. We could be good friends. We have a lot of things in common. For example I can play the guitar or sing very well, like you. Five days ago I went to an audition. The jury said me that I could have a good future with my voice. If you want we can release a single together. It will get a good review, I’m sure of that. I can shoot some photos with you to have more fans; it’s a really good idea because the fans will know who I am! And they are going to know that you are a very comprehensive person. There aren’t too many comprehensive singers. I think this isn’t good for the music world. If the other singers were like you, the fans will be happier.

You have to know that I have a room full of posters of you! My mother always told me that I have to take out all this stupid papers off the walls, but I never going to do it. I really love them!

I have a question for you: Are you going to appear on TV? I formulated this question because I really want to see you. You hardly ever appear on TV. All your fans are expecting this. I think you should accept an interview. So we could enjoy not just your music, but also your ideas.

Well, this is the letter that I was interested in sending you. Answer me please!

With love,

Joan Oller (your best fan)

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