Wednesday, September 30, 2015



During all this year without my English teacher, I have done a lot of important things:

I began 4th ESO and my English teacher was another. She also explains well the syllabus. It was different. But last year was like that, and nobody could change it. So I started taking classes and at the end of the first term I got a 10. In many ways I think that if you are good at a language, you will be good although they change your teacher. It’s mainly the same but with other fixations or obsessions of the new professor. I got really satisfactory marks in all subjects and I also passed the PET Cambridge exam. I’m still taking particular English classes to improve my speaking level with a qualified person from Manchester.

This summer I went to a campus called My Kingswood, near London. All the people spoke English and we did many activities like climbing, driving quads, running races… I made a lot of friends; I learnt English and, the most important thing: I had fun. Oh, I nearly forget this: last course, I was in an European project called Comenius. It was about the climate changing. There were four schools working in it: They were from Turkey, Portugal, Germany and our school, from  Catalunya. During this project I had to travel to Germany to work in the project with the other boys. It was a nice experience but the project was a bit disorganized. Obviously, to communicate with the other students we used English. These are the main English related events.

In other aspects, I can highlight that I’m still playing hockey, and… Well, I didn’t change too much. I love travelling. This summer, my family and I went on a cruise around the Baltic Sea.  It had been my favourite travel because we visited a lot of cities and all of them were spectacular. The city that I liked most was St. Petersburg. It was spectacular! There are lots of enormous gold palaces! I think one of the reasons of this love is because we studied the Russian Revolution in History classes. Now I understand why people wanted to change their country… There were incredible rich people with palaces and big mansions and then, poor people starving and looking how the governments still their money.


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