grandmother’s biography

Her parents were a poor matrimony and they had to work hard
every day. As soon as she started going to school she moved to a little
village of Valencia, because of the Spanish Civil War. She was there refuging
at her uncle’s house.
By the time the war finished she returned to Noguera
de Albarracín. Her parents didn’t have much money, so by the age of sixteen she
came to Barcelona to start working for a Catalan rich family as a servant. One
day, she had just got into the Born market when she saw a young boy, and she
fell in love. It would be better to say that both of them fell in love. My
grandparents got married on the 21st of September 1964 in the city
of Barcelona.
No sooner had they married that she got pregnant. Their first
baby was my aunt Carme, and in 1968 my father Eduard was born. She started her
new life as a wife and a mother, typical life of women at that time. She is
very proud of what she had done, and of her son and daughter. She always says
that we are her fingers; she could never cut one of them.
Going on with her life, in 1996 my aunt got married
and she moved from Barcelona to la Vall d’Uixó a village in Castelló. As soon
as my cousin Pau was born my grandparents bought a house there. Then, in 2000 I
was born, after me, my cousin Laura and the last one was my brother in 2004.
the year 2006 my grandparents had travelled a lot from Castelló to Barcelona,
but my grandfather became ill. After his death, my granny got very depressed,
but we made her cheer up.
Nowadays, she is living with us here in Barcelona
and with my cousins in Castelló. All of us love her a lot and she is a very
important person in our life. Now, while I am writing this I have got her next
to me and she sends you a kiss.
Èrik Esteban Marín 1st BTX A
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