Sunday, October 29, 2017


11 Things to do before turning 30

1 Travel somewhere without planning. I want to go to an unknown place and get lost. Explore around and improvise. It may sound ridiculous at first, but it can teach you to go with the flow and not to control everything. I’ve heard that sometimes getting lost turns out to be the best part of a trip. Even if it is in your own city, there’s always a corner you haven’t seen.

2 Learn how to play an instrument. What happened to those piano lessons I used to take? Well, in the past they stayed. I would love to be able to take a guitar and start playing notes out of nowhere. Or, what about learning how to play your favorite song? That would be insane. I definitely need to shake the dust off of my keyboard and move it out of the loft.

3 Pull an all-nighter at a club. I don’t have any explanation for this. I think going out with friends and partying at a club all night is a must, at least once in your life. At the end of it, you won’t even have the energy to take your pants off, but you will have the deepest and soundest sleep, I assure you.

4 Travel with a charity to help those in need. I believe that spending a summer in Africa, for example, helping people in terrible living conditions would change me, and almost everyone, for the better. Instead of spending three months by the pool, I’d be helping hundreds of people to have a better life. Because every contribution counts.

5 Gamble at a casino. There is something about gambling that makes me want to try it. Maybe it is the risk of not being able to predict what is going to happen. Or maybe it is the attraction of the uncertain. I have this hunch, though, that makes me feel that the outcome will be so bad that I will just want to stick with bingo.

6 Start collecting something. Have you imagined those nerdy people in movies that collect the weirdest stuff? Then, you’ve thought right. I think I will start collecting something odd, just to see the reaction on people’s faces. It must be hilarious. And, also, I think it will be really cool when I’m older and I look back to where and how I got those objects.

7 Ride a camel. I don’t have any reasonable justification for this. It’s just a random experience I want to live. Camels are so underrated. Getting on top of an elephant would be awesome, too. Fingers crossed so they don’t get extinct.

8 Eat at one of the world’s best restaurants. Can you imagine what the food must taste like? Heaven, that’s the answer. I’ll make sure to get the best thing on the menu. I should start saving up now if I’m going to splurge on this.

9 Watch a meteor shower. As a citizen of a crowded city like Barcelona, I don’t have a star-filled sky to sleep under. Watching a meteor shower must be magical. Let’s not forget that I would have beautiful images for my lock screen.

10 Get a puppy Ever since I was a little fat ball I’ve wanted a dog. I’m determined I will get a dog the second I move out of my parents’ house. Luckily, I will have become independent by then.

11 Watch a 12+ hours movie or TV series marathon. There are so many good TV series out there that I could watch for hours. Actually, I admit. I’ve spent way too much time in front of my laptop watching Netflix. But now, that the new Star Wars movie is coming out I will maybe be able to check this off the list.


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