Thursday, January 31, 2019


Here you can see the my sister’s evolution, as well as mine. It's amazing how we have changed so much in just ten years! 

In this picture my sister, Joana, was newborn. I really don’t remember much of these days, because I was only six years old. Anyways, I know that during that time Joana used to appear in every picture with her eyes close or crying. Also, when my sister came to the world my mum said that she had an extremely big nose, which isn’t strictly true, but my grandpa had a really big nose, so it is understandable my mum’s fears about my sister growing up with an enormous nose in the middle of her face. Now all my family laughs when someone tells this story.


First, I was so happy to have a sister, but a few months later I realized that my whole life was changing. I thought that I would never have my mom just for me, and that my sister was going to steal a half of my bedroom and my space. 

Also, when we were fighting It was always my fault because I’m older. But then when everyday I woke up and saw her, I could not describe the feeling, It’s just a lot of joy and happiness to have more family to give love. 

Now I can assure that my little sister is one of the best things in my life. Because I’m glad to help her with the homework or anything (I feel responsible and smart).


We are like the sun and the moon, like two different worlds. She likes football and I like dancing, she likes movies and I prefer books, she loves meat and I’m  vegetarian...but we have the same blood and more important than that, we are sisters by change and friends by choice. 


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