The day we met ….Hanna Bond !
Today we have met Hanna, an Oxted exchange girl very nice and friendly.
She is 14 and has a brother. Also, she plays hockey reads books and loves pasta
and Italian food.
In her stay in Barcelona
she visited old city and the monuments and she liked it a lot (
personally she thinks that the old city is awesome and really beautiful) .
Oxted she doesn’t have much time to watch TV, etc but in her free time goes out
or plays hockey. she often goes to London
but only in exceptional occasions. Also she plays netball and sometimes she goes running with her friends .
Here in the exchange her best friend is Hannah and also says that Spanish
people are really, really friendly ! .
In the school she learns Spanish and they also study Religion, but
Hanna’s favorite subject is…. Math! .
She doesn’t go to the cinema because she doesn’t have much time. In Oxted
they also study religion and Hannah don’t believe too much in religion.
Also she really loves Harry Potter Saga ( as
same as Pol ) and one of his favorite singers is Taylor Swift.
Finally she
told us that she will miss us and that in summer would like to come to
Barcelona with the family ! See you on summer Hanna, we will miss you too
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