Saturday, March 11, 2017



Every year there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it’s a greenhouse gas that the cars produce because they use oil to function. The greenhouse gases control the temperature of the Earth, pollute the enviroment and destroy the ozone layer.

The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rising and it’s because the people use too many fossil fuels. If the level of carbon dioxide raises a lot, it can produce a serious effect in our planet, the global warming. The higher temperatures will make the polar ice caps melt and the level of the sea will rise. If the level sea rises the cities situated on the coast may disappear and there will be a lot of floods. Global warming may change the climate. If it doesn’t rain there will be droughts.

If we don’t want that this happens, we must save energy. Saving energy is good for us too because we save money.

I propose 9 things to save energy:

1.     We have to use the public transport because if we use it, there will be less cars that produce carbon dioxide and the level of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will fall.
2.      Instead of using public transport to go anywhere, we can go walking or we can go by bike. It’s healthy and it doesn’t pollute.
3.      We have to switch off the light bulbs and the other electrical machines when we don’t need them. Doing that we save energy, money, and we don’t pollute more.
4.      We can use the low consume light bulbs. This is another way to save energy. These light bulbs usually have more durability.
5.      We have to recycle. It helps the environment because we reuse the material and we don’t have to remove too much elements of the Earth.
6.      We have to buy machines of the class A, because it consumes less energy. It’s another way to save energy.
7.      It’s better to use renewable sources because they don’t pollute the environment and it’s a source unlimited that the environment produces.
8.      We can use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries.
9.     Make sure that your dishwasher is full. In that way you save more energy because it wastes the same energy and water washing one or two clothes than a lot.

It’s really important to save energy. No-one wants a world full of pollution and diseases.


1 comment:

  1. If everyone took a few small steps to save energy, it could go a long way toward protecting our natural resources.
