Saturday, May 13, 2017

Is technology making us lazy and unthealthy? Alba M. (1BTX B)

“Technology is making us all more lazy and unhealthy”. Discuss.

Technological progress is a continuous process, which plays a very important role in our daily lives. However, some people believe that this progress has made us more lazy and unhealthy.

On one hand, technology has brought many advances in areas such as health and communications. Although machines or high technology don’t help people do less work but they do help them complete tasks more quickly, with microwaves, vacuums, and some others. What’s more, machines as well as other technological achievements like Internet have helped humanity do and complete tasks more effectively and in a more enjoyable way.

On the other hand, technology was meant to help society however, in the long run, it is actually hurting society. Children are growing up dependent on computers, cell phones, TV, and video games. Being surrounded by this technology has led children to have a shorter attention span. Technology is so addicting that individuals are neglecting their families to spend more time with their cell phones and laptops. Students are lazier than ever before, using the internet to do the hard work for them. The technology not only affects people in this way, it affects health too. For example, if you have a sedentary life with the time, you will become obese.

All in all, the best way to take a healthy and balanced lifestyle is to give up our unhealthy practices. Let’s admit that most of us, including myself, have a tendency to be either a couch potato, a video game jockey, a laptop lover or some type of maniac. If this behavior is limited to few occasions, it's not serious, however, repeated instances will ruin health, mental well-being and also impact relationships.

Alba Marginedas
1r BTX B

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