Sunday, May 7, 2017

The hidden power of a smile. Paula M. (1 BTX B)


P: Good morning Mr. Gutman and thank you for letting us steal some of your precious time to ask you some questions our readers have written us via twitter about your Ted talk .

R: It is my pleasure.

P: Let’s start then. Many of us were curious about how this project had started. Why did you get interested in this?

R: It all started at Stanford’s university as I was a graduate student there, when I organized a multidisciplinary group of also other graduated students to research ways to make people live happier. Also, as my vocation has always been making everyone happy I try to use science to make it possible.

P: How good is smiling?

R: Well when we think about it we just expect to feel good in the instant while we are doing it, not being conscious that in a long term time, we will also feel the advantages of it, as people who have smiled many times in their lives, use to live longer.

P: Is it all real science?

R: It may be difficult to believe that a player’s smile can predict how long he will live, but it’s proved by statistics, and it seems quite logical that people who live happier live more! Being positive about life and sharing some smiles with other people fills our heart.

P: What was the objective of this talk?

R: My objective was simple. Letting people know how powerful is the act of smiling and how easy it is for us to do it. In summary, the advantages that provides something as simple as smiling, a thing which costs us no effort.

P: Why do adults smile less than children?

R: Children search for the good in everything while the adults are always looking for the negative part. We spend too much time thinking why we should smile, when we should just do it.

P: That’s all for today. Thank you again, this time for your dedication on making everyone happier and we hope you are lucky in your life with your future projects! We’ll keep an eye on you.

R: Anytime.

Paula Montesinos


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