Monday, April 29, 2019

SMILE. Sandra S. (1 btx A )


Have you ever thought about how many times do we smile in a day? Children smile an average of 400 times per day, teens smile about 200 times and cheerful adults 40 to 50 times, however most of them only smile 20 times on average. These statistics are impressive, aren’t they? I don’t want to grow up and become a sad and depressive adult, I mean, I still want to have a smile on my face during the whole day leaving aside my age.

It’s a well-known fact that smiling is important for us, it’s the perfect way to show happiness, love, kindness… Today I would like to share with you some of the benefits that smiling has, I’m sure that you will realize the importance of having a big and nice smile on your face. First of all, studies have proved that people are more attractive when they smile. Now I would like you to consider this: when you look at someone (it doesn’t matter if he or she appeals to you or not) who is poker-faced, he doesn’t transmit you good vibes. However, when you look at someone who has a great smile and is showing his white teeth, you quickly think that he seems nice and he might be a kind guy. So, smiling really makes you more attractive and it’s also a good way to improve your self-esteem.

On top of that, smiling makes other people happy. How many times have you seen someone smiling and you have smiled too? Speaking personally, when people who are in my surroundings smile, I feel better, I feel more cheerful and motivated due to the good feelings they transmit to me. I completely believe that smiling boosts our immune system, it also burns calories and it puts us in a better mood.

Taking all this information into account, you all have to promise me that the first thing you will think about in the morning when you just wake up is smiling and to try to make others smile! If we consider this as a goal, I’m sure that in a few years those statistics will change and adults will smile even more than children. What are you waiting for? Smile and leave away all the bad vibes, it’s free therapy!

1st BATX A

Monday, April 15, 2019

SMILE. Cristina C. (1 BTX B)

Hello everyone,

I know it’s been a hard week, but we’ve finally finished exams and we’re about to go on holidays. Because of this, most of us, if not everyone, are happy and excited, and what do we do when we have these feelings? Some people jump, others dance, run, sing or shout, but what we all do is smile. And that’s what my speech is about, the art of smiling.

When I’ve mentioned the word “holidays” I’ve seen some of you smiling, maybe you haven’t even noticed, but your body has reacted to this simple gesture. First of all, it has released endorphins, chemicals that make you happier and help you manage stress and anxiety. So next time you’re stressed out, smile. I know it’s kind of weird to force yourself to smile when you’re not happy, but studies have shown that it will make your body feel great, elevate your mood and reduce physical pain, so don’t hesitate and try it…Wait, why does it sound like I’m selling drugs?

Well, as I was saying, it has enormous benefits for oneself, but there’s more. Smiling is contagious, so if you’re stressed or nervous with a bunch of people who are feeling the same as you, smiling will not only relax your body, but also make others smile and obtain the same benefits. Two for one, it’s a great offer, isn’t it?

It has other advantages like boosting your immune system or lowering your body pressure, it all concludes in “health benefits”. But there’s more than that. Okay, smiling is healthy and all this stuff, but it’s also a really important gesture in communication. Humans are a social specie, and that means we continuously interact with others. It may be through words or just gestures, but our facial expression is really important. It’s not the same to say “I have something to tell you” smiling than with a poker face. Short clarification: there are a lot of different smiles (forced, sadistic, etc.) but today we’re just talking about the natural one, the one which expresses true happiness.

As said before, smiling is contagious, and this is really significant. The other day I saw a little girl in her baby carriage, and at some point she stared at me and smiled. Obviously if you see a child smiling you smile in return so, of course, I smiled back. But I didn’t stop smiling, even when I left her behind, thinking about how cute she was. And then an older woman saw me and, surprise, she smiled at me. For some reason that made me really happy and I arrived home with an incredible feeling of peace. Then I remembered all the things I had to do, and my peace decreased, but the point is that a stranger made me happy for some minutes, without even exchanging a word. Do you really understand the power of a smile?

In summary: smile, smile, smile and smile, but not in a funeral or when we are given the marks because it’s disrespectful. Thank you.

Cristina Camacho
1st BTX B

SMILE. Claudia V. (1 BTX B)


I presume you all think that you smile as much as you have to. But maybe you don’t.

There are a lot of ways of smiling. From just smile to  friends when you see them to smile without stopping because of a good news.  But every single smile counts the same. Even if it is a forced smile. Our body does not distinguish between diferent types of smiles, so even if you are having a bad day, smile as much as you can.

Regarding what I have just said, sometimes when you have a lousy day and you don’t feel to smile, try it. If you do not do it, probably you may feel worse but if you forget about that stressing thing and you just focus to smile you might feel better at the end of the day although the problem is still there.

Now, I will try to give you some advices that work from my point of view.

First of all if you want lo smile and even cry because of laughing, you have to enjoy doing funny plans with your friends forgetting the responsabilities and well, being honest, the place where I most cry of laughing is in my class with my classmates. I don’t know why, but everything sounds funnier when you are supposed to be quiet.

Another thing that makes me smile is do what I really like. Do your hobbies, spend time watching what you like, even if your friends don’t like it or if it is a strange hobbie, do it. It is also important to spend time alone. And obviously it is not that strange to smile alone!!


SMILE. Helena S. (1 BTX B)

To all the students from high school, you must smile more. I know that sometimes you’re not in the mood to be cheerful or happy. You won’t always feel good, and when you think you’re going to fail, just remember to smile. Remember that it can change the way you see everything that happens around you, it creates a nice environment and the most important thing is that it is absolutely necessary to have a healthy mind.

If you start to smile, you will be more accurate in making important decisions and you will find it easy to face all the problems. It is contagious, so if you suddenly start laughing you will make other people laugh too. You don’t need to do it just for the school; you will see the benefits it has on current life. It is difficult to do it when you are having a hard time or you feel depressed, but it’s important for you to try to change your attitude and you will notice the difference immediately. You have to keep in mind that having a pleasant group of friends and sharing good vibrations is one of the greatest things you can do on your student period.

In conclusion I will say that you have to start smiling, because you will have nice teenager years, and even if you think that it’s impossible you will be having more opportunities to be happy gradually. Your life in school will get better, I promise.J


SMILE. Claudia G. (1st BATX B)

It's known that smiling is somehing good. It's simple, when you're happy you smile more. But do you really know why?

The thing is that it has a lot of benefits. It seems like there's no reason to smile if something nice doesnt happen to you. But it will surprise you to know that if you smile more, more nice things will happen to you.

It's just science, when you smile in a genuine way, boosts your immune system by decreasing cortisol in you body. It's like a natural antidepressant, so try it!

Smiling also makes you feel more self-confident, and will not only to you, people will see you more attractive if you are smiling or laughing, even if they are far away from you! Seems magic, but it's clear that for some evolutive reason this gesture means positivity and gift us good vibrations.

As a curious fact, did you know there are some people who prefer not to laugh because, in lorg-term, it produces wrinkles on their skin? It looks redicolous for me! And more after knowing all the natural and free benefits that smiling can bring to us every single day.

1st BTX B

SMILE. Marina A.

I’ll start by asking a question; why is smiling so important for us?

It is scientifically proven that smiling changes our brain patterns and makes us think more positively. It also reduces stress and lifts your mood. So, why don't we smile more?

Every single day we are put in situations we may not like, and that can change that way we are feeling for the entire day. Especially us teenagers, we are constantly changing our mood whether we want it or not, making the management of our feelings a hard thing to do.

I get that sometimes life can get hard, and smiling is the last thing you want to do, but, as I’ve said before smiling could help you focus on the good side of things.
And also, there are so many good things out there that can cause a smile, and on top of that smiling makes people more attractive and approachable.
It also can express so many things without the need of words; you can say i ‘love you’, ‘you make me happy’,’I am happy to see you’...

I am not saying that we should always smile, but facing life and the hardships of it with a smile can help change the outlook of the way we live.


SMILE. Isabel T. (1 BATX B)

Speech about smiling
A prisoner is finally released after many years in jail. He stands at the
pavement yelling: "I'm free! I'm free!". A little kid walks up to him happily and
joins: “I’m four! I’m four!".
Okey, now I can see you looking at me as if I’m mad, but I’ve rich my
objective, seeing all of you laughing or having a big smile on your faces. A
smile, a way of showing happiness, love and kindness. Smiles are the most
easily recognizable facial expression, and it’s the first facial expression that a
newborn is able to do. When someone smiles at us, even if it’s a stranger or
someone important for us, our mood is boosted. Also when we smile we
relieve stress and we make stronger our immune system.
Smiling has a lot of benefits, psychological and physical, but we don’t smile
very often. A study has shown that people only smile 20 times in a day. These
are very few smiles for day in relation to all the benefits they bring us! So I’m
here to ask all of you for your smiles. Smile at your family, at your friends, at
your teachers, at strangers... Contagious all of them with your laughter. You
will look more beautiful. I promise! You’ll look more beautiful than with
makeup. Also you will have the power to light someone’s day when that
person is feeling down in the dumps. You will feel like a superhero. And all
that with a simple smile. So, don’t be afraid to show your teeth with a beautiful

smile! It will bring benefits for you and for all your environment.



Hi everyone, my name is Víctor, and now I wanna talk you about something that’s been concerning me since I acquired conscience about what’s going on around me. Here we are all students that wanna get a job, we are all fighting for our future, trying to do our best having good grades which give us access to the studies that we want. And having most of us this objective in common should encourage us to fight and fulfill us with joy. The problem is, maybe,  that we have too much pressure, we all attempt to school al 8.15 and I don’t know what the teacher thinks when seeing all with that sleepy faces that say, I wish not being here. And this is a huge problem, we should be having a good time at school not struggling most part of the time.

But there are times that things go different, e.g. when you are waiting for the first class to start and suddenly someone enters smiling and says good morning, this is one of the most precious moments of the day, you just keep staring at that person thinking that that person is happy so is smiling for all who are there. And then, when you smile as an answer you think well maybe this is not a bad day, why shouldn’t this be a good day? Let’s make it a good one, a happy one. And what matters here is that if that someone didn’t say good morning you probably wouldn’t have thought about it. You would be just going through a boring routine, full of schedules and studying.

But you can make each day a different day by just smiling, smiling has a lot of health benefits for both your body and psyche, so why don’t we smile. From now on try to start doing those small things, say good morning, smile to teachers, smile to classmates, smile for all the people that you see, because you can make someone’s day worth.

Thank you all for your attention.

1st BATX A

SMILE. Albert B. (1 BTX B)

Every day all of us see a lot of “memes” and we think that it is funny, we enjoy a lot but our smile goes on for only a seconds. The things that really make us smile are the ones that make us happy. When we meet with friends we smile, when we have a familiar meal we smile… these moments are the important ones and it’s very necessary for our life the simple action of smiling.

It is very difficult to be smiling all the time, it is very difficult to have a positive view of the things, it is very easy to be arrogant, it is very easy to have a negative view of the life… but it is in our hands the option to be happy or not and smiling is very necessary to be happy. When we smile we are happy! And we must try to be very happy in our lives.

We are studying a lot, every month we have exams, we have a lot of homework, we have a lot of pressure, a lot of responsibility. But we should try to smile. When we smile the problems seem easier to solve. With a positive and constructive choice we can achieve all our goals of our existence.

Try to make it. In front of a problem, smile, smile and smile. When we smile we show to the others that we would do it and maybe I will need to make a very big effort. But smiling we will do it.

One of the most contagious actions are smiling, after yawning, so we can make a very big change in our nearly society if we try to smile.  It will help a lot of people around us.

Finally I want to say that everything is possible if you smile.

Thank you very much!


SMILE. Raquel G. (1 BTX A)

Good afternoon everybody,

Let me start with a simple question, have you ever counted how many times you smile in a day? Many, don't you?

Some scientific studies show that smiling exercises the muscles around your mouth and your eyes and that increases the production of endorphins in your brain and that makes you are happier. Also, when you smile, you suffer less from anxiety, feel calmer, and your mood is better.

And not only does it improve your immune system, but also it's beneficial for your mind and your well been.

Besides, if everybody smiled more frequently, it would help to build stronger and healthier social relations, because people feel more at ease with other people that smile at them.

So, if we consider that when our brain feels happy, we smile and when we smile, our brain feels happy, then being happy is not that difficult, you just have to smile.

Raquel González
1st BATX A

SMILE. Héctor L. (1 BTX A)

Hello everyone, 

welcome and thank you very much for attending this speech, today I will introduce you to the importance of being happy and the benefits that smiling brings to our lives.

For example, humans do not learn to smile, we are born with the ability to do it so and another curious fact is that laughing is the biggest epidemic of all because it is highly contagious. After these two examples, one can realize that a smile only brings good vibrations and what it does is to improve the standard of living and satisfaction with ourselves and that makes us more self-confidents and so we have a greater interaction with others.

Something as simple as smiling gives us an infinity of benefits and solutions to many problems, if we couldn’t smile, the problems would increase and there would be no solution. Throughout humanity, we have evolved and today's humans maybe we have properties that the old would not have and vice versa but what has not changed and will not change is the smile and its meaning of peace and harmony.

We should become more aware of the benefits that such an insignificant gesture can bring us and use it more often and we will see how our life will change drastically.

1st BATX A

SMILE. Abril H. (1 BTX A)

Hello everybody, 

first of all let me ask you something: have you ever considered which is the language that everyone knows? You might think it’s Spanish, English or Chinese; but, in fact, it’s smiling.

It’s said that one of the first things that human beings learn is how to smile. In one day, people can smile about 400 times, which means that we do a lot of facial exercise in our everyday life.

From my point of view, if we didn’t smile, life would be sadder. One of the best solutions for a bad day is smiling because not only does it improve mood and lower blood pressure, but it also relieves pain and can help us to have a longer life.

So, why do we smile? I suppose we do it to make people feel comfortable when they interact in society. I’m sure we don’t always smile because we are happy, but also to show more complex emotions.

I’d like to finish this speech by saying that even if you feel blue, you can always look on the bright side of life… and smile!

1st BATX A


Good morning students. 

As you know my name is Claudia and I’m in eleven grade.

In this speech I will be talking to you about the necessity and importance of smiling. I was recently looking at your faces in our corridors, and I saw more people without a smile than people with it. And I have decided to talk with you to give you some advices.

According to the dictionary smile is a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed. But the best definition is the answer to these questions: what do you feel when you smile or when you see that someone is smiling? We are all different, but everyone feels good when we smile.  

Maybe at this moment someone is thinking: oh Claudia but some days are gray. Ok, everyone has bad days but we need to be able to see the positive part. Why do you need to smile if you have problems too? Because smiling not only helps to prevent us from looking tired and overwhelmed but can actually help reduce stress.

Another advantage of smiling is that act of smiling actually helps the human immune system to function more effectively. In addition to taking precautions like washing your hands, why do not try to prevent flu by smiling?

And not only this, smiling elevates our mood and makes us more productive, and these things are so important. The next week we are going to do the final exams and we need to feel motivated and not insecure. That is why if you smile you will have better grades.

I have given some advantages of smiling, but it has more. Now it’s your turn, you must decide if you want to make a change and smile more or continue as now.

As Shakespeare said: ''Don't worry. If you are worried, you will get a wrinkle. So smile and get a dimple.''

1st BATX B