“Little Einsteins” gathers the adventures of its four
protagonists (June, Quincy, Leo and Annie), four-year-old children who own a
ship with which they travel to different places to fulfill numerous missions
that they must solve. To complete each mission, they need the help of the
spectators, through the questions they must solve or by contributing the ideas
that the characters need to advance. The fiction stands out for the inclusion
of real images of the sites to which its
protagonists travel, stopping at different aspects of reality to show them to
the public. There are times when the characters of “Little Einsteins” meet The
Great Reactor, a ship that makes it difficult and tries not to meet the objectives that lie ahead.
This is the proposal of a mission that involves the viewers in each
episode, as if it was a game in which the protagonists must live a great
adventure. That is the excuse to invite children to follow their plots, which
hide various aspects that are aimed at the public discovering the world that
exists around them.
Music, art or places on the planet are some of the points that focus on
the episodes of “Little Einsteins”, which seeks the interaction of viewers so
that they think and respond to the enigmas that their protagonists face. The
adventures of the series put real images, through which are discovered places
or monuments that exist in reality, and paintings taken from some famous
paintings, which have a great role in their plots.
The decision that “Little Einsteins” is carried out by
four children causes that the companionship and the friendship are very present
in the series, outstanding values that could well be imitated by the children
during the development of their time of game. This union conveys the importance
of teamwork, showing the positive consequences that are extracted from the
collaboration between several people. “Little Einsteins” also aims to develop
the imagination of the little ones, thanks to the ingenuity that most of their
adventures give off.
I watched this series when I was two years old
and I followed watching it because this was my favorite series. I’ve seen the
episodes again and again and I bought their dolls. Although I grow and my
tastes change, it will be one of my favorite series always. I wouldn’t live
without “Little Einsteins”.
2nd ESO