Sunday, October 14, 2012


Was it a dream?

Since I was a child, I have remembered my dreams. And when I was 7 years old, something rare started to pass in dreams. I explain.

I was dreaming that I had to go to school. Before, I have to say that I always used to take the same way to go. So, I was walking through the street when I saw a red house in the middle. I don’t know exactly how, but in that moment, I realized that I was in a dream, and I stopped walking. There wasn’t any necessity to go to the school, because it was a dream, and nothing is real.

During the next years, the number of “different” dreams was increasing. And they reached soon the majority of my dreams, and it became an habitual thing. So I started doing everything that I would in the dreams. For example, jump through the window and flying. It was incredible, astonishing and exciting.

But one day, a terrifying doubt appeared…I was in the top of my flat, looking at the floor a lot of meters away, and I was going to jump and then, start flying. But, I doubted, was it the dream or the reality? Everything was exactly as the real world, the other flats, their colors, the smell, the cold sensation…I didn’t jump. I preferred to be safe and sound inside my house.

The next weeks I was absolutely scared to death. I had panic to the night. Everything was confusing. Even I passed a night petrified in the bed. Slowly, I started to be better. I tried to do in the dreams, the same as the reality, and if I wanted to fly, I flew from the floor to the sky, not jumping through window. Everything became normal again.

Finally, I have to say that I found a form to make myself sure that I’m dreaming, counting the number of stairs of my flat. I know that there are 116 in the reality, but the mind can’t imagine the exact number of floors and stairs. So, it’s the way to avoid any confusion.

“The End”

-Well, the composition is finished. Oh my God, I’m late! Fast, fast!- I take the jacket and I start running to the lift. –Oh no! It’s broken! I have to use the stairs!

“1, 2, 3…14, 15, 16…81, 82, 83…100 and 101” –Well, I have enough time to arrive at school. One moment, one hundred and one?

Gabriel Porcel

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