Wednesday, October 16, 2013

MY WORST PET PEEVES. Jordi B. (2n batx A)

What’s your worst pet peeve?

When I wonder myself what are my worst pet peeves I first think in one that frequently happens to me and that annoys me a lot. I really hate when I have just got up of my sweet nap and my mother starts asking me questions about how school has gone and telling me things that I have to do. Mummy, please, let me finish waking up because I’m even asleep!
That really annoys me. I’m not a very maniacal person but as everyone, I have my pet peeves, not many, but they piss me off a lot. Another thing that I hate is when we have an exam at school and another teacher puts an exam in the same day or in the day before when we have the other exam. That’s not what crosses me but when we ask politely to the teacher if he can defer a couple of days the test and he says: «the exam date is immovable». This really gets me on my nerves.
Related to the video that we saw in class I discovered other pet peeves that are annoying. For example, one that often happens to me is when I’m like a god in my bed, very sleepy, and I start needing to go to the toilet. I also have found one pet peeve in the comments of the video that is really funny because it sometimes happens to me. I’m talking about when I’m going up the stairs and I think that there’s another step but there isn’t. This is very stupid!

That composition has made me think about things that we don’t believe about but they are frequent in our lives and they are very funny when we think about them but really annoying when they happen to us.


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