Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I think the best advertisement ever was made by the Spanish beer company “Mixta”. It was published in 2009 and it was very funny, like all Mixta’s advertisements, because they aren’t related with the purpose of the campaign and make jokes of different curious things.

This advertisement consists of two Chinese cats looking each other. The Chinese cats are ceramic figures that have a motor in their arm to move it, so the advertisement make a funny joke with this feature. The movement of the cat’s arms makes it seem that they’re playing the game “rock, scissors, paper”. The dubbing consists in a man talking in a strange voice simulating that he is one of the cats that are playing the game and that he is really bored because no one of them can win the game.

My reasons to think that this advertisement is the best that has been made in the history of the modern publicity (probably not all the history because I’m too young to know about all the publicity) are very clear. First of all, I think that the advertisements must be funny and attract the attention of the public. Secondly, this advertisement is absolutely silly, and I like the silly things.

So, publicists, be silly and make funny advertisements, that you’ll be heroes of the modern society and succeed in your life.

Gerard Lluís Luengo
1r BATX A 

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