Thursday, January 29, 2015

If I could change my life ... RU C. (1 BATX B)


All the people want the perfect life. They want a family, a good job, a lot of friends and of course that history love that appears in every film. I believe that there are few people who have all of this, so I am going to be realistic.

First of all, if I had a good job, I wouldn’t be poor and I could pay the education of my children and all the things that it would be necessary for my family. I predict that it can be possible because I have a very good education now and if you study, you have good qualifications and if you have good qualifications, you have good job sure. However, nowadays not always the people who have good marks have a job.

Second, if the people hadn’t invented love films that all of things and people are perfect, they wouldn’t want the perfect people to their lifes. But, why the people want the love like in films? I prefer the realistic love, because if all is like in films, the life will be all the time the same and it will be very boring and not original.

Finally, I believe that you don’t need all this things to be happy, because you decide your happiness, only you not the other people or the money. If the happiness were only in the money, all of we would be poor of happiness.
 In conclusion, I don’t want the perfect life like the majority, so my objective to my future is be happy and that is possible because if I am happy now, why not in my future?
Ru Cárdenas


If I could change my life .. Anna M. (1BATX B)


If there was a genie and could convert your wishes into reality, I think everyone would change anything about his life.

If I could make one wish right now, it would be to be a doctor and save lives. I have wanted to be a doctor for my brother was born. My grandfather was a doctor and my mum was working in an ambulance, and I want to save lives like them. They explained me histories about their patients and I would like to do the same.

If I changed anything about my life, I wouldn’t change anything, I love my life and I always try to be happy and do what I want in the moment. Well, I could change one thing and it is to visit more my brother and my dad, but I don’t have a lot of time because of I always have thing to do: homework, tidying my bedroom, extracurricular…

And another wish I have but it isn’t the most important is to travel around the world and see the different cultures, food and landscapes. And if I was a doctor, try to help the people of the third world. I love travel and at this moment my favourite place I have gone is Italy. I am in love with the Italian culture and their landscapes. I want to return one day and visit other places of it.

I wish I could do one of these things in my life.


If I could change my life ... ANA F. (1 BATX B)


I’m not the best person in the world but I have my perfect family which I love them with all my life. I admire my sister because I want to be like her. She’s such a nice person with a good boyfriend and now is living with him. She had made too much effort to get her job and this is one of the things that I admire so much. My father is the best man there can be in the entire world with a big and stronger heart. He works so hard to maintain all of us and I know that he does that because he loves us too much. And there’s my lovely mum the only one that has been always with me in the bad and good moments. The only one that is capable to give her life for me. But she has a problem of health. The doctors doesn’t know what she has exactly yet. So my only wish is that doctors find the best the solution to treat her problem and forget all.

When you wish something,  not always can be real. For instance when I was a child I would have flown if I could have wings like an insect. This is impossible like a lots of other dreams that I had in my infancy. One day when I had a very strange dream which I was talking with someone that it’s so important to me the next day appear in the morning. This was my best friend who I only see a couple of times because he lives far away from me. So he was in front of my school waiting me for made me a surprise.

The difference of a dream and a wish can be so similar. If you dream something later you’ll wish that it passes. But if you wish something and only will pass in your dreams, this is the most common, it won’t be so real.


If I could change my life ... PAULA F. (1 BATX B)

What would I change in my life?

If I could change my life, I would change it in three ways. The first way would be to have a dog. The second way would be to have more time. The last way I would change my life would be to take the first certificate exam and to pass it.

If I could have a dog, I would be happier because I have always wanted one but my parents always said no. My parents say that if we had a bigger house, then we could have a dog.

Everybody wants more money to live better and I’m one of them, but instead of having money I prefer to have time because if I had more time I could do whatever I want. I would have time for everything and I won’t have to do all the things at the last moment.

If I had the first certificate I would be able to have a good job. Nowadays if you don’t have it, you won’t find any because here there is a lot of tourism so, to have a job you have to speak English fluently.

Paula Fornieles

If I could change my life ... CARLES B. (1 BATX B)


It is really difficult to change something about my life, but now I have the chance to say what I would like to change. Before starting, I should say that it is really possible that the most things that I will say are really difficult or maybe impossible to change. So let’s start!

If I could change something about my live, firstly I would like to change that I am bad or not much good at meeting new people. This make me don’t know new people, so if I have more facilities of meeting people, I would be happier because I would meet lots of new people more easily.

Another thing that I would really like to change is that I’m sometimes really lazy doing things. You know that moment that you are at home, laying and the sofa and watching TV and then, the phone rings and is one of your friends asking if you want to go for a walk and you thing two things: the first one is “If I go for a walk I will have fun but also I will have to get up from the sofa and go out to the street where it is really cold”. The other possibility is “If I don’t go I can stay at home laying on the sofa keeping myself warm but my friend can meet someone earls and maybe he tells something important to the other one and I won’t know it”. I would like to always go out with my friends because if I stay at home, it is really possible that I miss a lot of things about my friends. I will try to never keep at home and go out.

Also, if I could change something of my life, I would like to change my parents’ minds about allowing me to go out at night with my friends. Because they never allow me to go out and I miss a lot of things, so I would really like to be there and enjoy with my friends. I would enjoy a lot if my parents allowed me to go out at night.

In conclusion, I must say that most of the changes that I would do in my life are not really difficult but I’m lazy, so it will be difficult to complete them.

Carles Bada

1r Batx “B”

If I could change my life ... Adrián H. ( 1 BATX A )

What would I like to change of my life?

       To be honest, I’ve been trying to decide what to write at this composition, the topic is easy to reflect and to write our thinking. While I’m writing I’m still being without any ideas. But there’s not a problem because I will improve. 

       I’ve seen a video which was played on our English class, and honestly, it was very sad and disgusting for me, but not disgusting on the bad way, I mean, It’s not a funny video which makes me smile. People who were at this video had to say one wish which they want.

           Now it’s my turn, and how I said before, I don’t really know what to write. I don’t want to be haughtiness because I am not, but in my life I wouldn’t like to change anything, because I’m good with what I have. In my opinion after seeing the video at English class I must be happy with my life, because many people are worse than me.

       Let’s be realistic, thinks which are really important like family, friends and school in general are well. And I’m very lucky of it and I give thanks for it. One thing I would like to change of me, of my personality is to think more in the other people and not only to me. Well, if you are reading it don’t think I’m “only me, only me, only me”, no. But I like to do first my things and later other one.

          To be closing this composition I would like to conclude saying that we must rate things we have because one day we’ll probably lose them and then we will know what we lost.


If I could change my life ... Clara U. (1 BATX A)

Would I change my life?

Yes, that's what I am trying to do. I am trying to change so many things that I don't like in my life. In general, I am happy,  but if I could change some things I would be more peaceful. For example, I would like to change the relationship that I have with my mom and dad. I would like to understand why they are the way they are and why they act like they do.
It would be easier for me to take decisions about them If I understand my parents more than I did. 

The most I'd like to change is the impossible: the mistakes I've made, the bad options I've chosen and the time I have lost. My present is malleable and sometimes I don't really realize about the things that are wrong until after living it. Eventually it's hard to take an objective view about it. Now, however, I can look at the past objectivity and see the mistakes I have made very clearly. If I could, I would retry lots of moments and do things I didn't do.
Neverthless maybe that's the interesting point of life. Unless we make mistakes, we're not going to learn and mature. If I could change the mistakes that I've made I wouldn't be conscience of them. I'ts just about accepting the things with their imperfeccions and not accepting the faults we make without trying to change them.

Anyway, there's one thing that I would like to change about my life. If I could, I would choose to live in the eighties or seventies because of the music, less technology, and just the fact that it would be a different life style.  Maybe I'm getting into a mess but I think that those years were interesting.

With my reasons in mind, I like my life but I'll try to change the things that I am able to change.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

SUNRISE Mireia U. (3r ESO A)

This photograph is made by me and it is taken from the balcony of my house.

We can see like a skyline of four  towers and another tower thinner and taller than the other four.

We can also see one building and the sea in dark colour. As well, we can see one bird flying. 

The sky is orange with some thin clouds, because this photo was taken in the early morning. The clouds have the light from the sun.

The sun is going to another big cloud.



The picture was taken in Tramacastilla, a small village hidden in the valleys of the South-West of Teruel.

There are usually reached the ten degrees under zero in winter nights, and that enables that the fountain spring in the main square gets frozen in the coldest nights.

It’s curious, I think.


IT IS ALIVE! Jordi T. (3r ESO A)

I think this photo is so curious because this plant seems dead but it’s alive.

This plant is in the landing, and the first time I saw this plant I said “Oh my God this plant is dead, somebody has to change it! But I was wrong    


FISDAO Ainhoa T. (3r ESO C)

It's called Fisdao and it lives in a farm surrounded by 16 bodyguards.

It is an Irish breed horse called Iris Cob, and it is one of the oldest known. It is so expensive that the total value is unknown.



The meaning of my photo is the curious obsession for the time in our lives. We do all the things quickly. It's bad for us because many people don't enjoy the moments. When they are doing something, At the same time, they are thinking of the next thing to do.

In my photo I want to represent the life with the plant and the time with the clock and they are always together.

We have to enjoy the life because the life isn't minutes, it is moments!



This beach is from Menorca.

I like this photo so much because there is a fantastic coast landscape, a lot of ships on the water. This water is really strange.  There is blue dark water but in the middle of beach there is another type of water, with a flow blue.

It’s incredible, unbelievable, fantastic… I like this photo so much!!



This is a castle in Carcassonne, France. We went there  last summer.

I have selected this photo because I want to represent the freedom that you feel there, seeing the landscape, with the trees and the flora, a border part of the village, and a little corner of all the castle.

There is a road under it, good view of all the border for the people that pass there. Such a beautiful place.


MY CHAIR Oriol S. (3r ESO A)

I think that for everybody this chair means nothing, but I don’t think so.

This chair, a simple chair, that you can find in any house, gives me a lot of things and moments. I spend my free time sitting on it, I sit on it when I’m doing homework and, the most important, when I’m studying. When I’m trying to remember some unit of some subject, I’m really comfortable on this chair, and this sensation of comfort can give me better results, even if it does not seem so.

For example, I’m sitting on this chair while I’m writing this nice text.  


BLACK & WHITE Andrea R. (3r ESO C)

This is a photo of the landscape that I see from my house.

When I saw it, I knew that this landscape was for a photo and I took it five minutes before going to school.

Because in the sky the sun was coming out and the clouds made a great contrast so finally for me, the photo is incredibly beautiful.



This is a beach in Begur, a village in the Costa Brava. It’s a beautiful beach in Catalunya.

It is the perfect place to go a day with your family, because it is quiet and few people go to visit this place. It is small but it  is very beautiful. The water is clear and you can see many fishes. It's a great place for people who dive.



A quiet evening, I began to draw, but I wanted to think of a funny picture, different. I was immediately inspired to see a small box of colors separated from the rest, like a small rainbow as it had in many colors, and then I wanted to take the small box and start drawing...


A BOOK Pol P. (3r ESO A)

What's that? A book? Unusual for a photography contest isn't it? But in my opinion, it is one of the best things we have. A book is the symbol of knowledge.

With this photo I try to show that sometimes we don't appreciate how lucky we are. There are people around the world that would like to receive an education to go to university and then get a good job that allows them to live,  but they can't.

I always think that we are never happy with the things we have; but if we look after the little things that have allowed us to have a good education, a family, a home... we would be more grateful.



When we were on summer holidays, my parents and I went to Norway, and when we were visiting the city I saw this wall and I took a photo because this wall is very strange but I really like it.

And I think this photo is perfect for this contest because it is really original and strange. I hope that you like this photo because this wall is very funny and original. I also think that it is the most strange wall in the world.


RED SKY Mario O. (3r ESO A)

Why is this sky red? I don’t know, maybe it’s because the sky is angry with the people, or it’s crying because the sun is saying ‘’ Hello world!’’.

Well, we only know two things about this sky: it is red and beautiful. One morning I got up early and I looked at the sky, it was so beautiful and shiny (and red). Immediately I took my camera and I took this photo.

If you can see, some lights are shining in the neighbour houses, that’s because it was 7 o’clock and people were getting up to start a new wonderful day.

This photo was taken in my room while the rest of the family were sleeping!   


SUNRISE Anna Xiu O. (3r ESO A)

It was early in the morning, cold wind to the face. The sun was waking up with its brightness, meanwhile the moon was saying goodbye. Some clouds appeared in the dawn. Trees around me were dancing with silence music. The street was empty, there were a few people hurrying and running. In that square with a bench and a little park, I was waiting for something to happen… I was in front of the bus stop, look there it is!   



“And I think to myself what a wonderful world” that’s what I always think when I watch this photo, it makes me feel like I’m in a different planet, like I’m too close to another reality, it’s obvious we cannot see this everyday but I would do anything to spend 10 minutes of my time watching this picture.

It shows that the man can do splendid things as this, the high ceiling of La Sagrada Família.

We all know it for its great stateliness, it shapes awake the imagination of everyone, not everyone sees the same in that picture. Here all has sense, the shapes, the sun, that gets inside like the light that takes you to heaven, … everything is a set of explosion, imagination and creativity.


TRUDI Abel M. (3r ESO A)

My photography is about my brother’s pet. The animal that you can see in the photo is Trudi, also known as Mordecail, Gustavo and Mr. Trouth. It is 3 years old. This kind of birds are from Africa and my parents bought one 2 years ago because my brother loves animals.

His cage is very expensive but really comfortable for Trudi, it is very big. It has a lot of toys like bells and mirrors. It also has a coco where Trudi sleeps.

Mr. Trout is really friendly, it never bites me and we can play with it. Trudi is the perfect pet.



I took this photo when I was in a family weekend. This photo means a lot to me, because I hate the cold and freezing time. But when I woke up that morning, and I went to go for a walk, I saw this.

The flower that I saw another day had dawned with frozen rims. Seriously, I hate being cold, but when I saw this beautiful image, I started to think about the good thing that may have the low temperature...

But the curiosity of this photo was that in all the forest, the only flowers that were frozen were these ones.



I think that this photo is so curious because the head of the man is a light bulb and the moustache connects with a battery.

I saw this graffiti when I was so young and I think that it is so curious. 



Every Saturday I go to train to my club but one day there happened one unusual thing. One pipeline exploded and there was lot of water very near from my club. The water went along Rambla Onze de Setembre. It was an amazing river of dirty water. It was a little bit disgusting. The pipeline was in front of a building and the people tried to go to the street but they couldn't because there was so much  water that they opened the door and the water went into the building. 

I didn't have luck because the street where I had to go was covered by the river so we had to make a trip. 

Policemen and firemen came to the pipeline. The floor was up and there was a very big hole. It was also scary because this could be a very big problem. 


FIREWORKS Mireia Ll. (3r ESO C)

I think that this picture is curious because you can see fireworks in the black night. In this picture we also can see some people from “The Sant Andreu Satanic".

What makes the picture particularly curious is the set of fires, people and lights that are in one place.

Also, the mixture from the fire can make that people imagine figures, faces, animals and other things inside it.

This image represents darkness, the evil of life (rancor, bad behavior and generally everything that makes you a bad person.



Children have always been curious by nature, so they read books, looking for answers. There is nothing  better  than a good book to give those answers and encourage creativity.



In this photo you can see a strange object, which farmers use to climb to a certain height so that they can cut branches.

At the same time this object, made of wood, has the same form as an intercept theorem. This shows that mathematics are found everywhere.



With this curious picture I wanted to express the soothing environment that trees give and I wanted to highlight this one because it seemed to me that this tree was made on purpose to climb on it because of the reliefs and even the form.

And on the other hand, to give it that touch of humor and curiosity to the picture, I decided to climb it up. To tell the truth, it was very comfortable. It was the tree of dreams.



This photo is of this Monday at 22:00 o'clock approximately. It was in the swimming pool of Club Natació Sant Andreu, in Trinitat Vella.

I like this photo because I think it's curious that it was foggy inside the swimming pool. The fog was because inside it was too hot and the windows were open. In this photo you can see two of my water polo friends swimming. It was an interesting experience, but I couldn't see anything!