Thursday, January 29, 2015

If I could change my life ... CARLES B. (1 BATX B)


It is really difficult to change something about my life, but now I have the chance to say what I would like to change. Before starting, I should say that it is really possible that the most things that I will say are really difficult or maybe impossible to change. So let’s start!

If I could change something about my live, firstly I would like to change that I am bad or not much good at meeting new people. This make me don’t know new people, so if I have more facilities of meeting people, I would be happier because I would meet lots of new people more easily.

Another thing that I would really like to change is that I’m sometimes really lazy doing things. You know that moment that you are at home, laying and the sofa and watching TV and then, the phone rings and is one of your friends asking if you want to go for a walk and you thing two things: the first one is “If I go for a walk I will have fun but also I will have to get up from the sofa and go out to the street where it is really cold”. The other possibility is “If I don’t go I can stay at home laying on the sofa keeping myself warm but my friend can meet someone earls and maybe he tells something important to the other one and I won’t know it”. I would like to always go out with my friends because if I stay at home, it is really possible that I miss a lot of things about my friends. I will try to never keep at home and go out.

Also, if I could change something of my life, I would like to change my parents’ minds about allowing me to go out at night with my friends. Because they never allow me to go out and I miss a lot of things, so I would really like to be there and enjoy with my friends. I would enjoy a lot if my parents allowed me to go out at night.

In conclusion, I must say that most of the changes that I would do in my life are not really difficult but I’m lazy, so it will be difficult to complete them.

Carles Bada

1r Batx “B”

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