Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter memories Ricard R. (1 BTX A)


How did your Easter holiday go? I hope it went so good and I'm sure you met with your beloved ones and had a great time.

In my case I didn't meet with my beloved ones because every year my uncles came to my house and we celebrate Easter eating a traditional chocolate figure called 'mona' but this year they were in Galícia, their native land, and we couldn't celebrate it as past years so I ate little chocolate pieces with my parents and my granny and we celebrated it in a 'smaller' way.

 On the other hand I've to say that this time of the year is pretty nice because you have a whole holiday week between two weekends and in this amount of days you can disconnect so hard from school that you don't even remember what the heck you did in the past week of work and everyone loves being relaxed at home while watching movies or series or, in my case, playing online videogames with my friends.

So yeah, my Easter holidays were as simple as that; a bunch of days of playing with friends and watching movies, and celebrating the season with my nearby family the last two days. 

Although I don't have so much to talk about I can say that I had a very nice holidays and I'm ready to start school again after this break and see again my nice classmates and awesome teachers like you,

see you soon!

Ricard Rodas

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