Thursday, March 24, 2016

OXTED 2016. Marc S. (3 ESO B)

My memories in Oxted

The last 3rd of March I travelled to Oxted in an school exchange, that was a really fantastic experience, which I would like to repeat as much as possible.

We arrived at Barcelona’s airport at 8:15 AM, and we were all really nervous, and a little sleepy. It was a 2 hours flight, and we arrived at London Gatwich Airport, there were two English teachers, who came with us to the school by car, they were both very friendly. 

When we arrived we saw a really big school with a lot of students, it was least 2 times our school size. And then we met our partners, my partner was Tom, a small friendly boy. We talked a little bit and then they showed us the school.

 In the afternoon, I met Tom’s family, his mother was a Canarian woman called Virginia, (you maybe know her), the father that was called Paul, and his brother Charlie. The family was really nice for me and they were very attentive of my needs. 

On Friday we went to school and we saw how they do the class swap every hour, it was a bit boring day. 

On Saturday we went to a place called “Mercedes World” that was like a museum, store, circuit of Mercedes, and an expert driver drove us through the circuit doing very difficult things. 

On Sunday we went to play a Football game with Pere, Marc Pera, and their partners, of course we won and they paid a Coke for us for that.

 On Monday we visited London, we saw the National Art Gallery, and I bought a Totenham t-shirt. Tuesday was the best day for me, we took a boat on the Thames and we saw the most important things on London, like Big Ben, London Bridge, St Paul’s Cathedral, Buckinham Palace… 

On Wednesday we visited Brighton a Beach town on the South of England, there we saw a big shopping Center, and the Brighton Pier, which is like a wooden way in the beach, with a lot of things, some shops, an Aquarium, a roller coaster… 

Tuesday was the saddest day, when we got up we just made the baggage and said Good Bye to our families, we had a tour for Oxted and we left to the airport.

Now I am anxious for them to come to have another unforgettable week.

At London Bridge


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