Thursday, October 6, 2016


Last Monday all the mates from 1 of batxillerat went to the library of Can Fabra to listen a talk  about the US political system and the different candidates, parties and a bit of info about the programs of each one.

First of all, I want to do a short summary talking about what they explained to us and the differences between each one. In the US political system there are different parties and candidates but the most voted and the ones that prevail and obtain the highest number of votes every four years are the Republicans and the Democrats.

The Republican party is more traditional, and more conservative than the Democrat. It involves the free market capitalism, the strong national defense, and they don’t like the homosexual weddings, the abortion and more things. They have an absolute majority in states like Texas and catholic evangelic states. 

The nowadays president and government candidate for the presidency is Donald Trump (I think that we all know about it so I won’t take a long text to this character). Donald Trump is a man that has a lots of dollars and is just a character it says a lots of barbarities and if it follows like a candidate of the party it is because of his money, because it can effort the cost of all the promotion for his presidential carrier.

On the other side,  with a totally different thinking, there are the Democrats or Democratic party that think in the economic and social equality, the public health attention and a modern liberalism. They are majority in states like California. The last president Barack Obama was and is a member of this party the nowadays candidate is Hillary Clinton.

The sensation that I have is that the United States will choose the candidate that does less bad things because these two candidates are bad politicians (like all). 

One of these two candidates was investigated by the FBI!!!. And the other one is just a rich man that wants to play a game named “President of USA” but without political experience and saying the barbarities that he says. 

I know I’m just a "kid" writing an essay to my teacher but it is a letter of an angry person viewing that the most important military, politic and economic world power can be managed by people that just think in themselves and in their own benefit. 

What I learned in the talk was all that you are reading but also another thing. The world Is getting worse and worse and we have to stop it.


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