Saturday, March 28, 2020

TED TALK: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model Júlia L. (2n batx A)

Cameron Russell is a professional model and activist who did a ten minute Ted talk in 2012. In which  she talks about the reality of being a model in this society and the path to do it.

She says looks aren’t everything because they don’t define who you are. Russell explained that her appearance is a consequence of her genetics and legacy. She’s white, thin, tall and pretty, like the majority of models in the big industry. That is starting to change, but we go through baby steps. Although there’s a major factor, stylists. The pictures we see in magazines, commercials, instagram, etc aren’t natural. The models do poses, and yes they’re pretty and thin and all of that. But they don’t always have perfect hair and makeup, flattering clothes and the perfect lighting to embrace their best qualities. And the most important thing Cameron Russell said, they don’t show who are the persons in those pictures.
Actually she explains the pressure in the modeling career, because everyone expects the best of them always. And I think they may be a little overwhelmed by the fact they work with persons as thin, pretty and sexy as them. She confessed she’s insecure and she don’t really identify in her good photos made by professionals.

In my opinion, we tend to see the qualities others have but then we see our weaknesses. Also there’s a part of our life we always want what we don’t have, and we’ll never have. In my case was blue eyes and straight hair. I could damage my hair and change it, but I decided not to. I learn to appreciate it as natural as it is. And with the Ted Talk I felt sort of identified because in my life I’ve seen and heard so many people wishing to have or be different things, but in the end it doesn’t matter. The truth is that there’s always something to improve. Most people think that I’m lucky with my genetics (which I know I am), but the confidence that we have in ourselves and the acceptance of our bodies doesn’t come of the compliments we receive, comes from our self love. It doesn’t matter how many people sees you pretty or sexy, because if you don’t feel it it doesn’t really matter. And on the contrary, It’s okay if you’re criticized, if you’re confident and believe in yourself you’ll take the constructive criticism and become a better person.

In conclusion, I completely agree with Cameron Russell and I think we shouldn’t worry as much as we do for our looks but for our personalities and ourselves.

2n batx A

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