Monday, April 16, 2012

THE BOOK or THE FILM? Jennifer B. (1r Batx A)

Which is better, the book or the film? Probably, this question has been made lots of times around the world but today there isn’t a clear answer yet. 

They compare books made into films, which can be classified in different genres: science fiction like The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter; crime fiction like Millennium trilogy, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Sherlock Holmes and all the films from Agatha Christie’s books; fantasy with films like The Adventures of Tintin, Spiderman, Batman, the Fantastic Four, Hulk; and costume drama like Tirant lo Blanch, Alatriste and The Three Musketeers. 
There are lots of people who prefer a book to a film. They say that with the book you have the power to imagine the entire story: the places, the characters and their psychology, etc. In contrast, a film gives to you all done. So, if you don’t like the principal character because it is very ugly or you hate the actor or the actress, you will have to put up with it. Consequently, a book have more advantages: you can read it everywhere, it explains the things better than a film and it can be enjoyed before the film.
Sincerely, I am not a good friend of reading. I prefer films because they have a big advantage: a film reduces the time of the story, I mean, a film lasts a specific period of time while the last of the books depends on the reader. In conclusion, with a book you choose the last of the story but in a film no. However, films have a big disadvantage: there are films very worse adapted. But in my opinion, it is possible find a film as good as a book.
The majority of the books are better than their films. However, if you think that only the bestsellers and good books are made into films, the conclusion is that the majority of the books are very bad. As you can see, the quality that is required to the books to be converted in films is high. An exception of it, in my opinion, is The Lord of the Kings. I think that its book is very boring but the film is very exciting.
In conclusion, the book is better than the film but sometimes it is imperceptible. However, the film can be a good adaptation of the book and it is important to value the work of the director and all the technical team.   
Jennifer Benito Santamaria
1r batx A

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