Sunday, October 4, 2015



Hello everybody and welcome to the edition “Merkel’s awards 2015”. Now you are going to listen to the three funniest, most original, fantastic and incredible moments of the summer. The winner of this year is… Laia Martí! She’s going to tell us her experiences of the holidays, what happened while she was visiting Germany.

The third prize is for the German dinner: the barbacue, the yoghourt and the bird:
“On my second day in Germany I had dinner with all the relatives of my friend and we had a barbacue. First, I was very excited, because I had never eaten a barbacue like that! But, later…

They had cooked a lot of food and everybody was eating a lot (me included), because everything was delicious. But they didn’t stop cooking and maybe eating so much was normal for the other people, but I was full and I said: No more food for me, please. Then I didn’t eat more meat, but the family continued eating. I was really impressed!

At the time of the desserts I asked for a yoghourt. I thought: Yoghourts are digestive, so it’s going to be good for me. But when I saw the yoghourt… It wasn’t a normal yoghourt! It was a 200 grams yoghourt! A giant yoghourt! I was full and I had to eat an enormous yoghourt! Can you imagine the situation? But, I could. I could finish everything and I was very happy with myself.

Then they told me that they had some trees with delicious fruit, but unfortunately when I went there I couldn’t see any fruit. A few minutes later I understood why: we saw a bird walking, jumping and eating one of the fruits! The family was angry with the bird, but I was grateful because I didn’t have to eat anything else for that night. I don’t know if I would have had enough space in my belly for some more food.”

The second prize is for Eddie’s story: the naughty black cat.
“I was in Germany, one of my last nights before returning to Barcelona, and the following morning we had to get up early, so we needed to rest. Unfortunately, that night I couldn’t sleep because I was listening to some strange noises. I could hear an acute soft voice and sometimes a fingernail scratching on my bedroom door. So I switched on the light. But, I was alone!

I decided to go to the toilet, but when I opened the door to come back to my bedroom I heard the noise again and I switched on the light as fast as I could. Then I couldn’t believe what I had in front of my eyes. It was Eddie, the little cat. He was the responsible for the strange noises! So I could relax myself.
Then I wanted to enter into my room, but Eddie was faster than me. What a naughty cat! I said: No, Eddie. Go out of the room! But he didn’t listen to me. I tried to catch the cat, but he was faster again and sat on the chair. He didn’t want to move. So I had a very good idea: I moved the chair to the corridor and closed my door. I thought that I would move the chair into the room some minutes later, but the cat decided to sleep on the chair. So I forgot about Eddie and went to sleep. Now both of us were happy. I didn’t hear any more noises and he had a new and comfortable bed.”

Now it’s time for the first prize! The best moment in all the summer! The top one! The story that everyone wishes to listen is: kayaking in Spreewald. Are we going to come back home???

“One day we drove nearly one hour to arrive at the place: Spreewald. The Spree is one of the most important rivers to go kayaking! So I was very excited and happy.

First we hired three kayaks: one for me and my friend, Nele, another for her parents and the last one for Paul, Nele’s brother. The shop assistant gave us a map of the river and explained us the route we had to follow.

In the beginning everything was fine: the sun was shining (but not too much, not to get sunburnt), the air was fresh and the water was clean. We were rowing for a while and we arrived at a place where you couldn’t continue. Nele’s parents looked at the map and said: Oh, we were on the wrong route! This other way is the correct one. Sure!

So we followed them and it seemed that we were on the correct way, but five minutes later we saw a house in front of us and that meant that we couldn’t continue straight away. They told us that this was another wrong way.

While the parents were looking at the map, the brother went there, took it and in one minute he decided which way we had to take. So we started paddling again and this time we didn’t have to change our route any more. However, after 30 minutes my friend was tired and we decided to change the kayak partners. Doing the change we nearly fell into the water. Now the new pairs were: my friend and her mum, the brother alone and Nele’s dad with me.

Kayaking was a tiring activity and sometimes one of us stopped to rest. When I stopped there wasn’t any problem, but when Nele’s dad stopped, it wasn’t easy to move the kayak! He is a heavy German man and I am not very strong. So I only could move the kayak a bit and very, very slowly! And when we had to turn left, we nearly crashed against some plants.

We continued the route along some narrow parts. There were more canoes and boats and it was difficult to pass. But apart from this, the rest of the time we enjoyed the trip and had fun.

The only bad thing about kayaking was that the following day my back was bruised, because the plastic seat was not very comfortable. So I think that if another day I go kayaking I’ll take a pillow for my back.”

Thank you very much for your explanations, Laia. This is the end of “Merkel’s awards 2015”. If you liked and enjoyed this edition, why don’t you try to participate next summer? Goodbye, and I hope to see you soon.

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