Wednesday, October 14, 2015



Firstly, I have to say that I have my weird side. I have a lot of bad habits and manias. Every day I do a lot of strange things that some people would not understand and other people would. But wait, don't think I am strange or anything, I just have manias that I consider that are not normal but I know people that have these manias also, so they are normal but at the same time aren't.

I would like to show you some of my pet peeves and then I would show you the worst.

Lately, these last months, I need to have my bedroom clean. I mean, it's actually a necessity for me to have it clean. Before the summer I used to have my bedroom untidy and unclean. Not unclean with dust and dirt in general, I just had the bedroom with a lot of clothes and things that it seemed unclean. So nowadays I always have my bedroom super clean and with everything in its place. It's super satisfactory and you feel good with yourself. It's also nice because I make my mum proud and happy. In this sense I feel that I have grown up. And, obviously, its super pleasant enter to my room and I can work easily.

Another of my manias it's the phone alarm. These last days I'm starting to organize my days better than before and I'm setting my alarms. A week ago I only had one alarm, the one to wake up every day, because I have my own alarm to wake up and all these stuff. But, if you took my phone now you will see all the alarms that I have, it's a chaos. I have alarms to remind myself of some good series or TV shows, alarms to take the daily pill, alarms to remind I have to phone a person, alarms to remind an important exam, etc.

Finally, I want to emphasize my worst pet peeves. I have had this mania since I started first of ESO. My worst pet peeves, it's definitely, the "save" button of Word and Powerpoint. I remember doing an important work for school the day before and while I was doing it I had done lot of pages and suddenly my laptop turned off and I lost all I did. I got angry with myself, it was my fault.

Since that moment, every time I do a Word or a Powerpoint I'm all the time saving the document. But it's so crazy, every phrase I write I save it. 

I would like to tell you a lot more of my manias.. .but there are a lot!! ;)


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