Tuesday, May 3, 2016

SMILE! Pol S. (1 BTX B)


A smile can change the world. When people smile things get better for them, and it’s because of the hidden power of smiling. Nowadays, people don’t smile that often when they are with other people and I believe it’s a mistake, a huge mistake. What do you know about the hidden power of a smile?

Scientists can justify why we have to smile as much as we can. In their opinion, and based on different tests, when we smile our facial muscles stretch and that liberates the hormones of happiness: endorphins. So basically, even if we are happy or not, when we do the gesture of smiling, we are liberating endorphins. That’s why scientists say that smiling every day is something essential in the mental health of a person.

Besides, when you smile, the whole world smiles with you. This is a very typical quote that appears in a lot of movies, series...But actually it is certainly true. Physiologists think that when you smile you are making the others happy. That is because the neural reaction that our brains make when our eyes are watching someone smiling. It’s a mirror reaction. That’s why when someone is laughing, all the others start to laugh sometimes.

Furthermore, a smile makes you more handsome, more attractive. That is the reason why the photographers always ask for a smile. It’s because people usually look their best (and happiest) when they are smiling. A smile has the power of makes us prettier, just like the makeup.

But obviously you have to smile because it just feels really good to. When you smile you are being positive, you are disconnecting for a second, you are being more you. All the great people will always be remembered with a smile in their face, because it’s the most sincere portrait of a person. Smiling has a lot of powers, and all of them beneficial for out health. But sadly, nowadays people don’t smile that often. It seems strange to see someone smiling all the time. And it’s true it is strange. But what the other people don’t know is that person who is smiling all the time is healthy, is having a good time and is happy with his or her self. So, shall we smile?

Pol Sanuy

1st Batxillerat B 

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