Friday, October 19, 2018

FAKE NEWS. Martí Molina (3r ESO)


On Monday 15th, the medium and low English level classes went to Sant Andreu library to a small talk organized by the Barcelona Town Hall and the American Spaces about fake news. At the hall, there was a girl that came here to talk to us about fake news and answer our questions. She was called Geysha and started the explanation explaining us about their studies and jobs.

First, she told us a story about English, French and German people that lived on an island and they received the newspaper one time every two months. The First World War started and the newspaper arrived on the island three weeks later and they were very affected by this situation and started trying to solve this problem. Later, she tells us the difference between fake news that are things that you don't think they are true and disinformation that is news that tell us things that aren't true and sometimes used for political benefits or other personal objectives.
In 2014, Russia sent Russian soldiers to Ukraine to conquer the cities on the North. There were messages organized by the Kremlin that tell that Ukraine people started a revolt to his folk and, later, they discovered that this was false and Russia was attaching Ukraine. Another example that Keisha tells us is America for Puppies, that consists in to attract people with beautiful dogs and, slowly, put in the photos political messages to help Trump to win votes.
Another group of people created American for Cats that is the opposite space of American for Cats. She told us that usually, on Instagram, Facebook or in other social media this news expands very fast and the people that have to quit this news arrive when the notice has become popular. On the Trump campaign of 2016 to choose the new president of USA, there was news about sexual relations from Trump and his candidates. About Hillary, they said that Bill Clinton, her husband and ex-president of USA, he got sexual relations with girls and when people see that notices, some of them started to do news about sexual scandals of the contrary candidate that they support. She answered our questions with examples like the ones I wrote before. We don' t understand her accent so much so she continued explaining with her Puerto Riqueño Spanish. We didn't ask a lot of questions but she answered them very effusive and detailed.

At 11:00, Geysha answered two more question and we returned to the school. This talk has helped us to the difference and to recognize a false new and to difference concepts apart from the utility for me and for all, I suppose. I would like that she put more actual examples but I liked so much how she explainedit all and all the things she knows about some themes.


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