Thursday, February 20, 2014

LAIA LUJÀN SELFA, second prize, John McDowell Award 2014

We are very pleased to inform you that our student LAIA LUJÀN SELFA (2n batx.) has won the second prize of the JOHN McDOWELL AWARD by the APAC (Assoc.  de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya) for her Treball de Recerca entitled ENGLISH IN PUBLICITY

Today, February 20th, in the Opening Session of the APAC-ELT Convention at the Pompeu Fabra university, there has taken place the British Council-APAC ceremony to award the best Treball de Recerca in English language in 2013. The second prize has been awarded to Laia, who has received it from Mr.MIQUEL BERGA, president of the APAC and teacher at the Pompeu Fabra univesity.

The ceremony has been presided by Ms IRENE RIGAU , Consellera d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya, who has congratulated Laia for her excellent work and who has also congratulated our school, as it's the third time that one of our students receives this award.


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