Friday, November 30, 2018

What does richness really mean? Nerea H. (2n ESO)

This sentence means that this life is short, and you have to make the most of your time in it, because if you only give importance to making money you won’t have time to make fun of it.

Life was created to enjoy all the things that we have. The meaning of happiness is not having the most expensive clothes of the market, it’s the feeling that you have in your heart while you’re with the people which you love (friends, family…) or maybe when you win a competition of the sport that you’ve been practicing very hard. 

If you’ve got a family that loves you and it takes care of you, a few of good friends, food on the table, a roof where you can stay in and a school to learn these things, you are the richest person of the world no matter the money you have, more than what you think.

If you are a rich person in terms of money but you don’t have feelings, you don’t know what happiness is because you don’t appreciate what you have, because you always want more and more, and you don’t know the quantity of people that is living in bad situations because of the wars and they need to escape of their houses.

Everyone has the same importance in this world, no one is rich no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours a day each and we will be dead sooner or later.
A sentence which I like a lot is that “We live in a strange world where the poor walk miles to get food, and the rich walk miles to digest all the food”.

And this sentence has all the reason and the sense, because we live in a society which being a rich person means having more superiority by having more servants than others and by having big/expensive clothes that other people might don’t have.

The things that I like doing in my free time are: hanging out with my friends  and going together to the “Starbucks” but I also like taking photos with them. Although I also like having family dinners which I see my cousin that lives far away and I can tell him my little secrets.                                                                                                                        

Nerea Haro Garrido
2n ESO

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