Thursday, March 14, 2013

I LOVE SCHOOL! Laura M. (3r ESO C)


SCHOOL: an institution for educating children

This is the definition of a dictionary but, when I listen the word “school” I don’t think that, in my head there appear many images of, school (classes, English videos,  homework and exams…) Sometimes, we have in our head this negative part of school (exams and lots of homework) but we know that this is not all. Sometimes we do specials activities like cooking, Jocs Florals, trips to Girona…

At school we must be quiet, listen the teachers… We mustn’t bully others, play truant, cheat in exams…  

In my class there are many different people. Very, very hard students, students with attitude problems… I like my class, my group. It is really fantastic!!

One thing that I really can’t see is cheating. For me cheating is lying it is not fair!

Sometimes at school we have good and unforgettable moments but, if you fail an exam or if one of your school friends jilts you, you can be sad and discouraged so, when you have a bad experience at school you can think: “The next time I would do it well”.

I am sure that I can do things better and that I can have a 10 at English (for it I should study a lot, but it is possible).


3r ESO C


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