Sunday, January 24, 2016


Viral videos

Viral videos are the videos which become popular on the internet.

To become a “Viral Video” it must be considered something important or something special; Why?

Because it means that the video has something special; in some videos it is the music, other videos have a great plot or some videos have an incredible post-production edition. But that was in the past, nowadays it is easier to become viral, but they become unviral videos faster than before too.

Sometimes we confuse viral videos with the most-viewed videos. There’s some important difference. To be named “Viral Video” it has to get a lot of viewers in  a really short time, like one or two days; they use to be short like 30 seconds or one minute as maximum; and they, usually don’t have a great budget, they use to be spontaneous videos. 

On the other hand we’ve the most-viewed videos:  to be considered as a most-viewed video it has just to get a lot of views, but the time isn’t important; the video can be as long as the maker wants; and they use to have big budgets. There’re two examples about that:

Most-viewed video are normally Videoclips like:

Justin’s Bieber “Baby ft. Ludacris”
Miley’s Cyrus “Wrecking ball”
PSY “GANGNAM STYLE”Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth See You Again

Viral videos are normally funny videos or videos showing cute things:

Harlem Shake (Original Army Edition)
Baby Panda Sneezing

Surprised Kitty (Original)

An exception is:

This video has a relatively post-production work, and it wasn’t spontaneous.




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