Tuesday, November 10, 2015



In 1802, the people of New Orleans were scared. It was Halloween and no one was in the streets. But a boy called Jack was alone in the street. He didn’t know what was happening; he didn’t know what was coming.

Jack was disguised as a zombie. At 21:00 p.m., Jack was walking in the street alone; it was a foggy and cold night. He heard steps and turned. There was nothing. He thought it was his imagination, but the steps sounded again and no one was there. Jack was scared and started running. Something caught him and he appeared in a small black place.

He opened his eyes and he watched a skeleton near him, Jack was inside a coffin! He screamed a lot before a girl opened the coffin. He recognized the girl when he saw her; she was his girlfriend a long time ago, but Jack still liked Johanna. For a moment, everything was beautiful, until Johanna shouted: “They are coming for us.”

Jack returned to the reality and started running following Johanna. He asked her what was happening, who was coming for them? Johanna answered: “It’s a long story and we have no time”. Jack was very confused and scared at the same time. They stopped running in the forest. Jack turned back and looked the house; it was the haunted house called Mortuary. Johanna hugged Jack and she kissed him. Jack asked her what was happening an who or what was comig for them.

“They aren’t vampires, they aren’t werewolves, they aren’t skeletons or mummies or monsters. They are worse than this an that you can imagine” said Johanna. Jack Said: “I’ll protect you”. Jack didn’tknow anything about what was coming for them, but he protected Johanna until their died.

Now, no one knows what happenend with Johanna and Jack, but some people say that in Halloween’s night, in New Orleans, youcan still hear their screams.Until now their bodies are missing and the beast stills wondering there.

Júlia Canadell Gómez
3rd ESO A

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