Sunday, November 22, 2015

LA CONRERIA 2015 Anna R. (3 ESO B)

Last Thursday and Friday the 3rd ESO went to la Conreria on a stage. 

The house is big and you can play a lot of the sports. There are 6 basketball courts and 1 of football.

The first day when I was in my house was very excited because I wanted to go to the stage. 

We took the bus and we went to Tiana, we visited the house and left suitcase, after we played The Scarf but with the different rules and it was very pimp, then we had to a project of religion so we thought of ourselves everyone. Then we lunch but a different lunch, it was a lunch in the mountains because we made hiking and we saw all the “Tiana”, it was a spectacular sight.

Later we played a lot of sports and when the day began to make dark, we went to the shower and I had very cold because the water were very cold.

In the night the girls of my bedroom talked a lot and the monitors punished us.

The last day Izan cut the finger was lifting a stone although the stage continued but we very worried because we saw the ambulance and a one part of finger in the stone it were very disgusting but when we arrived in Barcelona we knew he was okay.


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