Saturday, March 28, 2020

TED TALK: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance Ramon V. (2n batx A)

Succeeding in life requires two things, passion and grit. As explained in this video, grit is the value that, as proved in many different studies, leads people to success.
According to the speaker, psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth, talent doesn’t make you gritty, instead, commitment does. The main reason why perseverant kids do finally succeed in their tasks is because they don’t believe failure is a permanent condition. The act of trying again and again is what makes someone achieve their objectives.
From my point of view, I strongly agree with this mindset. Talent isn’t useful if there is no
commitment and perseverance on improving it. Grit is something you must develop by yourself, it’s something inside us which makes the difference between people who achieve their dreams, people who follow them but will never achieve them, or people who don’t even try following them because they just think they are out of their reach.

In conclusion, neither IQ, physical health nor social intelligence are the way of accomplishing life’s objectives, only grit can help us on approaching success. 

Ramon Ventura
2n batx A

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