Wednesday, September 30, 2015



In the middle of the summer holiday, I went with my parents and my sister to Queixans, a mountain town located in La Cerdanya. During the winter we go skiing every weekend, but in the summer we just go there one or two weeks.

In Queixans we can do a lot of different activities like going camping, hiking through the mountain, rafting, horse riding, playing golf, going to the cinema, going shopping…With a mountain next to you, there are many activities to do!

On the third day in La Cerdanya, I met my friend Marc (he is in the other class) and his parents. We went to Porté Puymorens, a village in Andorra. There, we went into a park with some ‘tirolines’. We rode on them across the Passet lake, located in the  National Park of the Catalan Pyrenees.

At the beginnig of the tour I was really scared because it was my first time there. Marc was the first one, then me and at the end his father. His mother was taking photos all the time. There were twelve ‘tirolines’, and you could stop when you were scared. There was also bungee jumping, but we didn’t have enough time. There were a lot of people shouting and screaming, it was fun!

Finally I just want to recommend you to do it. It was a very great experience. My favorite part was when I touched the water with my hand when I was in the ‘tirolina’, it was very cold. This was a memorable day and an unforgettable moment!

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