Sunday, January 26, 2014



I think I’m not really super connected but maybe a little bit. I have to recognize that I like internet and I don’t know if I could live without it. There are a lot of people like me and they also need internet.

I use internet for a lot of things. For example I use it to email other people. I have an account called Gmail, it is by google. But I also have an instant messaging. It’s the WhatsApp application for phones. All my friends have it. I download music and computer games with a programme called Softonic. I think it’s very useful because it is free and there are a lot of gadgets. I have registered on a social network. 

It’s the Facebook. In this website I can post messages on a message board and I can chat with other people, but there isn’t a public chat room. You only can speak with your friends. I have never created a personal webpage or a blog. But the thing that I most enjoy doing is to play computer games online. I love playing games, especially war games. My favourite is one called Call of Duty Ghost. It’s incredibly realist and violent.

I can’t live without technology!

3r ESO C

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