Monday, April 11, 2016


Social media

Social media has made communication much easier, but with every advantage there comes a disadvantage, and here I am, telling every disadvantage it can possibly have because it’s funnier than talking about positive things.

First of all, I will start by talking about misinformation, what’s misinformation? So it’s when someone posts fake information on the internet, and how can we avoid it? We can’t. Well, the best thing to do in case you doubt about the veracity of any information, you should contrast it with another source. But it’s not always useful because when fake information goes on the internet,   this information spreads and news departments from twitter use to upload every data they see without knowing if it’s true.

The other disadvantage I see in the new way to communicate news is that conventional media is disappearing, I loved to read the newspaper (usually sports ones) when I sat on a bar with my parents, but now there are not or not as much as they used to be. And now people don’t usually watch news on the television, because they have twitter, and I used to have a lot of discussions with my parents when watching the news, and I loved it.

So, in conclusion, there are a lot of advantages but these two disadvantages that I mentioned before saddens me so much that prefer to go back in time and get this things back. 

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