Thursday, October 13, 2016


Can Fabra’s talk
                           Genís Fibla i Costa   7/10/16

 The US elections are the main event of the year for all those people who like politics like me. It’s interesting to know who will become the most powerful man (or woman, we can say that for the first time) in the world. Maybe for this reason, last Monday’s morning was a bit special. We went to Can Fabra, and now you’ll ask yourself: Why did you go to the library? Did you go to read? No, we went to a debate about the next US elections.

  It was, obviously, in English and there were two Americans, both of Latin American ancestry who discussed the typical electoral topics. At my left, there was a Mexican woman who strongly supported the controversial ideas of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Next to her, there was a young man from Puerto Rico (the USA) who defended the Democratic Party. The woman said that she was Republican because she and her family escaped from the “hard Cuban’s communist dictatorship”. In the other hand, the man said that he was Democratic because of his family tradition. It was also interesting to see how they talked about some topics like racism which here are taboo. Then, we could ask questions and I thought a question “Which is your position in Catalonia’s self-determination?”, but I realized that it might be very uncomfortable for them (they’re always so ambiguous in this topic).

 My personal opinion of the next US elections is that I want neither Republican Party win nor Democrats. Betina Inclán (the Republican woman) said that Venezuela is a dictatorship. Maybe it’s, but, at least, in Venezuela there’s a right-wing party and a left-wing party. Otherwise, in the US there’re two right-wing parties which defend the neoliberal economic system, the largest military investment in the world or the Arctic’s political partition. Luckily I can’t vote in this election.


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