Wednesday, April 3, 2013

THE DAY WE MET LIZZY by David, Miriam, Paula, Mariona, Miquel, Joan and Ana

The day we met Lizzy

She is Lizzy. She is 16 years old. She has an older sister whose name is Brigit. Her sister will come to Barcelona next Saturday because she is studying Spanish in Granada and they will meet here.
Lizzy has two dogs, whose names are Holly and Grina
She plays softball. It's the same as baseball but with a bigger ball. 
She also plays the drums but not in a music group.
Right now, she likes Barcelona.  She has visited Sant Andreu and La Maquinista shopping centre. With Mariona, her partner, she has visited Las Ramblas at night and they have eaten "tapes". She loves "tapes".
She likes Mariona's family. She thinks that they are very nice. Mariona's aunt always gives her food. She has met Mariona's cousin too, Núria. She plays the violin!



She is from Maryland, she has one older sister and two dogs, Gina and Holly. she was born on May 27th. Maryland is about 3 or 4 hours from NYC. There she has her grandparents.
She plays the drums, she plays softball,and she likes meeting her friends. She often does parties in her home. She has no boyfriend.
She is enjoying Barcelona. They have visited La Maquinista, casa Batlló, the city center ... She speaks a little bit of Spanish.
She likes this school because it's not as big as hers. Her school is ten minutes by car from her house. There, they have seven different classes, and she does all of them. She really likes history. They don't have breaks at school.
She has been to Italy and Ireland with her family. 
She thinks Spain is very different. The food here is so good but in the States they have dinner much earlier. Her favourite food is pasta. Her favourite team is Falcons.


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